Since the R team has modified the help system in R. 2.10, the help
feature of R.tmbundle is broken.
Has anyone come up with a quick workaround for it ??
Hi, I've put together the beginnings of a Go language bundle. I'd appreciate
any feedback....
Carl Forde
However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
-- Winston Churchill
Hello everybody,
Textmate help states:
"9.4 Project Dependent Variables
Sometimes it is useful to have a command customized differently
depending on the project. For this reason, it is possible to set
variables for individual projects.
The way to do this is currently a little secret but if you deselect
everything in the project drawer, then click the info (circled I)
button, a panel will appear where you can set variables.
These variables are saved in the project file (*.tmproj) and will
exist only for snippets and (shell) commands executed in the context
of that project."
The problem I have since upgrading to Snow Leopard and Textmate build
1509 is that I am suddenly unable to deselect everything in the
project drawer. At least one file will remain selected and Get Info
and the info button will only show me the info about that file. Is
anyone having the same problem? Alternatively, is there any other way
to set a latex master file project wide rather than doing it for each
file individually?
Hello everybody
I am new to this list, hope I am posting on the right one.
After installing the Project+ plugin I was expecting to see the fancy
icons showing the svn status of files and folders but they just don't
show up even though the preferences are set correctly.
Running TM 1.5.9 on Snow Leopard (10.6.1)
Any idea?
When doing Ctrl-Shift-V to use PyChecker/Pyflakes/Pylint, I get a Python
my_revision = __version__.split()[1]
on Line 346 assumes the __version__ from Line 26 can be split into at least
2 parts. However, Line 26 reads:
__version__ = "$Revision$"
When it should read:
__version__ = "$Revision 11734 $" # Not sure what Revision actually refers
> to, Textmate or script version
I am using the latest available TextMate (r1505), with Python 2.6.2 on
10.5.8. However, this Command is most likely broken in every version of
TextMate released since the error was first introduced, since it is a basic
Python error. The feature was at least working in June 2008 according to
this blog about it:
Though I must say... What's the use of the revision, exactly?? It seems
that it has only served to break the script and not much else. :)
I've gotten by for now by editing the Python bundle.
setting the textmate-variable does not fix the issue for me!
i also tried to set the variable to /opt/local/bin/ruby
which is what i get from
$ which ruby
i installed ruby using macports removing all preinstalled (buggy) apple ruby
For a couple years now I've used my own bundle for the statistical
package Stata. Several people have asked me for a copy, and I've
shared it with them via email. However, I've now reached the point
where I'd like to move beyond this, both so that people can obtain it
without having to go through me, and so that others can make
contributions to it.
With that in mind, I was wondering what the policy is WRT commit
access for the bundles repository. If someone knows the answer or can
point me toward the information (I looked on the web site but couldn't
find it), I'd appreciate it.
-- Phil
I seem to somehow lost my commit privileges to the subversion
repository, or did that all move to git? I lost track.
Anyway I have a number of patches for the Xcode bundle:
• "Build With Xcode" window title can now be customized via
• "BUILD LEGACY TARGET" are now hidden by default
• Xcode 3.2 produces large amounts of nt very informative lines
containing "{standard input}", these are now ignored
• Generate correct paths for subprojects
• expand "$HOME" in the product_path
Could someone apply them please?
On 17/11/2009, at 11:00 PM:
> Re: dyld: Symbol not found: _rb_intern2?TM blogging bundle
> error
>> [?]
>> I have reverted the contents of /usr/local to a backed up copy, and
>> now I'm running the default SL ruby 1.8.7. Unfortunately I still get
>> the same issue.
> It would appear that you didn?t fully revert what you did.
You're right, I don't think I did. Unfortunately I think I stuffed a
few things
up, and so this gave me an excuse to do what I've been meaning to do
for a little while, and reinstall SL (maybe not the best way to fix
the issue,
but hey it worked).
> There are problems with a custom built ruby on Snow Leopard?.
> Did you delete /usr/bin/ruby? And if so, is the thing you restored
> from backup the version from Snow Leopard, or just your own build of
> 1.8.7?
> If you did delete the system ruby, are you aware that there is also /
> System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework?
From what I could tell I was using the binary of ruby that you mention:
I didn't delete /usr/bin/ruby, but it was symlinked to the one in
In fact that was never changed, my custom build of ruby was using
/usr/local/bin/ruby. I'll have to make sure in the future my custom
are isolated so that I can easily revert if issues arise.
Some questions :
1) How to compile with --shell-escape and lATEX 2?
2) in the script, I don't understand ~ /.*-preamble.tex/
here :
if File.exists?(pdf) and not ENV["TM_FILEPATH"] =~ /.*-preamble.tex/
thanks and best regards
Alain Matthes