Ok. Sounds like you might have a corruption in your setup. I'm using
Snow Leopard with its own python 2.6.1 install.
My Textmate is version 1.5.9 (1510).
If I were you I'd delete my Textmate app as well as ~/Library/
Application Support/Textmate folder. Also check you have no Textmate
folder under your Macintosh HD Library/Application Support folder.
Then re-install Textmate.
When you have the python file open make sure that Textmate has type
python selected at the bottom of the editor window.
You might well have tried these measures but I cannot think of
anything else that will help you. It does not seem to be a Snow
Leopard issue.
On Oct 13, 2009, at 5:23 AM, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com
> Another thing I just noticed, if after running the script with cmd-R I
> close and re-open the file, it comes up blank.
> It appears to get overwritten whenever I run it with cmd-R.
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 5:15 AM, John Finch wrote:
>> Works here.
>> Make sure you have the placed the shebang at the top of the file.
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> That should help.
>> Here's the full file:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> print('test')
> Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 22:18:53 -0700
> From: unussum(a)gmail.com
> Subject: [TxMt] Re: Python/IPython support
> To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> Message-ID: <09767F0B-381B-4D82-8A3F-ACCD8DCFDD2D(a)gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> I made the mistake of setting an alias for bc, which I was not aware
> was the name of an existing unix tool (That's what I get for not
> capitalizing my personal aliases, I guess).
> # ~/.profile
> alias bc="echo ~/some/path"
> alias cdbc="cd $(bc)"
Your bc alias is just echoing the directory, which can be replaced by
a variable:
alias cdbc="cd ${bc}"
That should solve your problem.
Dear Textmate-Users,
I tried to use "Preview" (5.0 (501)) as pdf viewer when creating LaTeX
documents with textmate 1.5.8 (1505) on Mac OS X 10.6.1. I set the
"LaTeX Preferences" in textmate accordingly (you can choose Preview
there). I also set TM_LATEX_VIEWER to Preview in the textmate
Preferences. I used to work with Skim that way and everything was
fine. Now I was wondering if that's also the case with Preview. And it
partially is. It updates the document perfectly, however, it jumps
back to the first page of the document - which is annoying. In Preview
you can also set "Start on the last viewed page" (see Preferences ->
PDF), however, this does not solve the problem. Is Preview not
supported? I get the following message on compiling .tex documents
with Preview as pdf viewer:
"check_open: Application appears not to understand request pdfsync is
not supported for this viewer"
If Preview is not supported, why is it a valid option in the LaTeX
Preferences in textmate?
Skim works perfectly, so there is an option. I am just curious what
might be the problem with Preview.
Many thanks,
Something has happened to my TextMate configuration that is driving me
crazy, but I can't manage to figure it out.
When I click on a text line, farther right than the end of line, TM
now puts the caret there (ie where I clicked), instead of putting it
precisely at the end of line.
If now I press the return key, TM inserts a number of spaces before
the newline, to match where the caret is.
I hope my description is clear enough.
This definitely didn't happen some time ago. It used to stick the
caret at the end of text.
This is driving me crazy because of years of habits, clicking anywhere
on the right of a line to append to it,
I have looked in the preferences and could not find anything.
It's probably something stupid on my part, but I can't find it.
Any idea?
Many thanks,
I use the LaTeX bundle and Skim as my viewer. Since upgrading to Snow
Leopard, I find that processing LaTeX documents by way of the Typeset
& View (command+R) command fails after a few invocations. In
particular Skim becomes unresponsive. Is anyone else having this
problem? Does anyone know if it's a problem with Skim or with the
typesetting commands behind command+R?
Hey TextMaters,
I've been using TxMt for a while (with HTML and LaTex and Matlab), so
I know the value of bundles. I'm now working with an R-guy, and I saw
that there's an R bundle. I had it working for a sec, thought it was
out of date so deleted it, downloaded with svn the three R-related
bundles (R, R console(R.app), and R Console (Rdaemon)) but only the
latter two appear in the Bundle menu. Syntax highlighting no longer
works, and when I try to evaluate an R-script with apple-R, I get an
Xcode-related error.
Can anyone help me set me straight on getting R to work in a pretty
vanilla TextMate setup (I'm running Textmate 1.5.8 (1509)). Please
reply to the list and to me, millerj870(a)gmail.com.
Thanks in advance!
Jason E. Miller, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Director, the Next STEP, STEM Talent Expansion Program
Director, Mathematical Biology program
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO
I did post this last week and some how it did not go through ?, iv heard
gmail can be ? at times.
I will "try" upgrading to PHP 5 in TM.
Question: is there any thing else that i need to know besides the
instructions at TM/Bundles/PHP/Help/4.0 Set Up
my plan of action is to upgrade to OS 10.5 when the DVD gets here this
and the various upgrades through the Apple server.
install PHP 5 on the machine via entropy.
follow the instructions as given, TM/Bundles/PHP/Help/4.0 Set Up
see what kind of mess entropy and MAMP can make, yes i will have the servers
shut off.
and go from there.
If any one could bring me to notice anything i do not see please let me
Thank you
i found universal install DVD of 10.5 at hardcoremac that is affiliated with
yahoo business.