Hi there,
I have the following problem. When I try to give the Scope as input to a command, Textmate not only passes the present scope, but the whole document to the script (for any document type that I tried, e.g. Latex, Perl and C). According to the documentation, only the present scope should be passed to the script, delimited by the first and next position of the curser, where the present scope would change.
Perhaps I am getting something completely wrong, I would appreciate any help.
Best, Chrisotph
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Using the svn-bundle I would like to filter the files presented for
committing. I do not want files with extension pyc to be shown.
How can I do that?
Regards, Katja
I do a lot of text manipulation with Textmate and find the command
"Filter Through Command..." amazingly useful. I love all of the
output possibilities, but I wanted to put in my vote to add one more
output option: "Copy to clipboard".
Brian H
Hi all there (3)
> I am suffering an uncomfortable problem with TM scripts that depend
> on Ruby and makes them unusable. Using for example Cmd-B in LaTeX
> (toggle_style.rb -style=textbf), TM inserts instead:
> no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)
> Sometimes I fixed the problem renaming ~/Library/Application\
> Support/TextMate. Sometimes not.
> I use an env
> RUBYOPT=rubygems
my apologizes for the reps.
I have found a solution to the annoying ubygems LoadError:
To install gems both in the
making both
~/Downloads/rubygems-1.2.0 % sudo ruby setup.rb
~/Downloads/rubygems-1.2.0 % sudo /opt/local/bin/ruby setup.rb
Then I can keep the
export RUBYOPT="rubygems"
in the ~/.profile and let terminal ruby use this option.
- Juan F.
Hi all there
I am suffering an uncomfortable problem with TM scripts that depend on
Ruby and makes them unusable. Using for example Cmd-B in LaTeX
(toggle_style.rb -style=textbf), TM inserts instead:
no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)
Sometimes I fixed the problem renaming ~/Library/Application\ Support/
TextMate. Sometimes not.
I use an env
- Juan F.
Hi all there
I am suffering an uncomfortable problem with TM scripts that depend on
Ruby and makes them unusable. Using for example Cmd-B in LaTeX
(toggle_style.rb -style=textbf), TM inserts instead:
no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)
Sometimes I fixed the problem renaming ~/Library/Application\ Support/
TextMate. Sometimes not.
I use an env
- Juan F.
After a crash of my system disk yesterday and the ressurection of the
system today I'm getting the following error while trying to insert a
citation or label based on the current word:
\autoref{/tmp/temp_textmate.haeIjJ:4: command not found: kpsewhich -
The thing is. It tells me about kpsewhich is not found but it was able
to insert the correct label.
When I fire up "which kpsewhich" in Terminal, I get the following
> [Jan@iah] ~ > which kpsewhich
> /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-darwin/kpsewhich
Also I have no problem to compile my document.
Maybe it has something to do with PATH, but I'm not sure. Can anyone
give me a hint on this?
Am I correct in assuming that TextMate now supports synctex, and that
I need to download and install the latest LaTeX bundle in order to
have this functionality?
If so, how do I download/install this bundle?
Geoff Vallis
I just grabbed the latest ruby.tmbundle from svn and put that in my ~/
Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles directory
When I try and run a test file with command-R I get the following
/Users/stu/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/
Support/RubyMate/run_script.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load
-- /Applications/Editors/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/
lib/tm/executor (LoadError) from /Users/stu/Library/Application
I have had a look around and sure enough can't find the files it is
referring to
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/executor"
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/save_current_document"
I am on the cutting edge 1.5.7 (1464) version.