Mail has this thing where by when you are typing and you are not sure
of the spelling of the word (or even if such a word exists) you
can press <esc> before yo complete the word & it gives you a pull
down of various choices. Is this something that can be incorporated
in the text scope of textmate?
(note: i know of ctr-apple-D which can check for the word in
dictionary but that is not the functionality I need in this case -
ie, since that assumes you already know how to spell the word...)
ps; interestingly the Mail functionality doesnt seem to work within
a sentence.
I hit some wild key combination and now my PHP bindings seem to be
gone. The bundle shortcuts work, but there's no syntax highlighting,
no code folding, nothing. I cannot figure out what I did. Any
Wells Oliver
When I use a command that has this statement
require "#{ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"]}/lib/dialog"
I get an error:
/tmp/temp_textmate.rl42pL:3:in `require': No such file to load --
/Users/barbara/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/dialog
from /tmp/temp_textmate.rl42pL:3
I'm not a programmer -- I just used the example from the TextMate book
for the dialog box, and it worked until this last update to Version
1.5.6 (1414)
How can I fix this, please?
TIA for any advice,
Alex Ross wrote:
Anyway, the grammar thinks that you're LaTeX code is a regular
expression. My suggestion would be to remove the "r" from before
your doc-string. Is there a particular reason you are using them?
This code is from a co-developer who has been getting into automatic
conversion of docstrings to Latex files. I'm not sure if the "r" is a flag
for the package he's using or it's just superfluous, but will try removing
it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi all,
In the following, everything after the \in is highlighted grey as if it were
a comment.
Thanks for all the good work!
Anand Patil
def half_normal_like(x, tau):
half_normal_like(x, tau)
Half-normal log-likelihood, a normal distribution with mean 0 and
to the domain :math:`x \in [0, \Infty)`.
.. math::
f(x \mid \tau) = \sqrt{\frac{2\tau}{\pi}}\exp \left\{ {\frac{-x^2
x : float
:math:`x \ge 0`
tau : float
:math:`\tau > 0`
# try:
# constrain(tau, lower=0)
# constrain(x, lower=0, allow_equal=True)
# except ZeroProbability:
# return -Inf
return flib.hnormal(x, tau)
Right now both Thunderbird and MacSoup use their own readers/editors for
email messages and posts. Is there a way to change that default to use
TextMate instead?
- Dushan
Hi there,
I am looking for the definition of invalid.illegal.math.tex
of the LaTeX Bundle. Can't find it in the “LaTeX” language
I got this when I write an equation which spans several
lines… Rather annoying…
When I launch the new "Preferences..."
command, I get the following error.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Piero
Traceback (most recent call last):
Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/configure.py", line 5, in ?
pref = tmprefs.Preferences()
Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/tmprefs.py", line 18, in __init__
Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/tmprefs.py", line 39, in readTMPrefs
plDict = plistlib.readPlist(pl)
Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/newplistlib.py", line 77, in readPlist
rootObject = p.parse(pathOrFile)
Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/newplistlib.py", line 397, in parse
from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate
python2.3/site-packages/_xmlplus/parsers/expat.py", line 4, in ?
from pyexpat import *
ImportError: dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages/_xmlplus/parsers/pyexpat.so, 2):
no suitable image found.
Did find: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages/_xmlplus/parsers/pyexpat.so: mach-o,
but wrong architecture
A> Le 12 août 07 à 09:09, Dushan Mitrovich a écrit :
>> I missed a few days of lists a week or so ago, and I was wondering if
>> there was an archive I could go to to read the missed messages. I
>> didn't notice one on the website.
>> If there is one, what's the URL? Thanks.
> http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/textmate/
Thanks, Alain, this did the trick for me.
Bastian Philipps <bp.profiles(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> There is also Gmane, which I personally find a lot more convenient than the
> typical pipermail archives
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/
This is a good thing to find out about, Bastian, thank you. And I
agree, it's
very convenient.
- Dushan
Small request for the beamer language grammar. Would it be possible
for \frametitle to show up in the symbol list? That way you could
quickly navigate to individual slides. Thanks, Mark