I'm having a problem running the default task with RakeMate. Rake reports
an error saying that '(default task)' is not a valid task. I worked around
the problem by converting the 'task' variable returned by TextMate::
UI.request_item to a string on line 58 of rake_mate.rb:
task = task.to_s
Apparently request_item is return an Array, so 'task == DEFAULT_TASK'
returns false. Converting task to a string fixes it. I'm using TextMate
1383, which is the latest cutting edge I believe.
I've been using CSSEdit for the last few days, and it's got a really
nice interface. There is a left-hand pane which is the equivalent of
the popup menu for functions in Textmate. And crucially, there is a
live search box at the top which filters that pane, so you start
typing, say 'news', and it shows all selectors with a class or id
containing that word.
I personally think that would be a great feature for Textmate to have,
perhaps in a drawer on the other side from the Projects drawer. The
popup menu is pretty unwieldy (IMHO) with big documents.
Hello all,
I'm working on a command that generates some functions for a set of
variables, and I'd like to print out the result in line with the text
that is selected. Is there any really clean way to do this that I'm
not aware of? I need to get the tab indentation of one of the
selected lines of text.
Dear All,
I have a strange situation wherein the output of a command appears
properly if I select "Show as HTML", but disappears if I select
"Create New Document" (i.e., a blank file appears). Why does this
Here is the full story:
I wanted to modify the subversion Diff commands to use wdiff instead
of subversions built-in capacities. I added an enviornment variable
called "TM_SVN_DIFF_CMD", with a value "wdiff_svn_wrapper.sh".
"wdiff_svn_wrapper.sh" is simply a wrapper script that calls "wdiff
$6 $7". I do this in order to get read of the numerous options that
subversion attaches, and retain only the file names.
If I then use the commands "Diff Revisions..." or "Diff With
Revision..." everything works perfectly: I get the appropriate
comparison between the appropriate revision. If I use "Diff With
Newest (Head)" or "Diff With Working Copy (Base)", etc., I get the
appropriate output if I select "Show as HTML" for the output, but a
blank document if I select "Create New Document" as output. What can
be happening?
This is a first post so if this isn't the right place or I didn't
search well enough, please let me know.
I know you can select the contents between brackets with
command-shift-B. However, this is the same key sequence that was
select for breakpoints when coding in Ruby.
I realize I could customize any way I want, but I figured I must be
missing a fundamental way or working in TextMate if this key option
was used for two different operations. Is there an easy trick to get
the one I want?
>I've been playing with the flex bundles for a while now. It looks like there are lots of different ways of building Flex at this
point. I've been using rake:
Yes, there's a lot of ways to invoke mxmlc/compc. Ideally I'd like to see just one build and one run command in the
ActionScript 3 bundle but don't want to impose a particular method. Currently there is:
fsch (A wrapper for mxmlc which caches the build in RAM and dramatically speeds up compilation - on my current project
mxmlc takes 20+ seconds, with fsch this comes down to 4-5 seconds)
Shell - project specific custom file.
I'd imagine that we could quickly add rake and yaml to the equation too. Does anyone have any suggestions of a way to handle
this? Would it be best to add the various build methods as templates then check for custom build scrips within a TM project
before defaulting to a basic build? Are there any other bundle developers who've solved a similar problem?
I really like the handy getBundle bundle... but it's been giving me some
trouble. I've upgraded my own version of svn to 1.4.3. Unfortunately,
this is backwards-incompatible with getBundle's internal version, which
is 1.3. Since I've updated some of my bundles -- and the support folder
-- by hand, it's used my newer version, but then getBundle's svn can no
longer update them.
Perhaps getBundle should probably use the local svn if that's possible?
(Indeed it only uses the local svnversion, which will also cause a
I started using the GTDAlt bundle and I wrote a Quicksilver action in
applescript to append text to my inbox.txt. I know I can just use
Quicksilver's append text but I wanted to write something custom. The
problem is it is adding invisible characters between every letter.
Any ideas why?
Here's my script:
using terms from application "Quicksilver"
on process text theText
set this_file to (((path to desktop folder) as text) & "GTD:" &
my write_to_file(theText, this_file, true)
end process text
end using terms from
on write_to_file(theText, target_file, append_data)
set the target_file to the target_file as text
set the open_target_file to ¬
open for access file target_file with write permission
if append_data is false then ¬
set eof of the open_target_file to 0
write theText to the open_target_file starting at eof
close access the open_target_file
return true
on error
close access file target_file
end try
return false
end try
end write_to_file
Warmest regards,
Graham English
My File -> Open Recent menu item has stopped working. I click on an
item and it doesn't open. The File menu stays highlighted until I do
something else, and the document just doesn't open.
Does anyone know what would cause this?
James Frost
I'm every so often on another location where i work on two screen's.
The only thing i always need to adjust once is to drag the symbol
window to the screen where the main textmate window is.\
Is there a config thing i can set, or is it a feature for TM2 ?
ps: the other windows (goto file, bundle editor, etc) also come in
the wrong screen
Regards J.