this might be a very stupid question and I'm not so sure about
whether this is the right place to ask either so I hope you can
forgive me if this post is in some way inappropriate.
I'm trying to reproduce the screencast about tm_dialog on my computer
but somehow it doesn't work. Whenever I try to open a nib-file with
"tm_dialog some_nib_file.nib" my shell is stalling but nothing else
happens. I wonder what I'm doing wrong!? Are there any Variables I
should set?
I'm using /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/PlugIns/Dialog.tmplugin/
Contents/Resources/tm_dialog (=$DIALOG)
on a core duo macbook with 10.4.8. The nib file is saved as 10.2 and
Thx, Dominik.
> Are any others interested in figuring out guidelines and
> stylesheets for such things?
Yes. I'm low in coding mojo, but assign me a granular task and I will
do it.
>> I wish I had the time to help you solve the MORE / CONT'D feature.
>> That's be pure awesomenesses.
> Can you explain this issue? Maybe someone will take up the charge.
When either a scene or a bit of dialogue spans a page-break
indicators are placed in the scene and in the dialogue that tell you
the scene, or bit of dialogue, continues on the next page. It looks
like this:
Darcy sits alone.
I can't stand just waiting here.
Give me something, anything...
The only place this pops up in is when printing to PDF. As of now the
PDF creation is handled by PrinceXml, so prince determines where the
page-breaks should go. Because prince is deciding where the page-
breaks go prince would need to determine when it needs to place the
"continued" indicators.
I'm using Prince because it's easy to install and I can leverage the
HTML conversion I can do to create the PDF. People have suggested
that I could get much more sophesticated odcuments using LaTex but
I've found it to be a large download, a pain to install, and yet
another document language I'd have to learn. So, I'm not too
interested at this point.
But to be frank, this issue is not a priority.
Hi folks,
I am just starting to get into TM a bit (I'm considering switching
from VIM), and I noticed that the Stats for Document command is a bit
overly complicated. I just wanted to suggest the following instead:
wc | sed -e ':x' -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\1,\2/' -e
'tx' | awk '{printf "%11.11s lines\n%11.11s words\n%11.11s bytes\n",
Nice app, so far... well, except it's that a modeless editor, of
course :)
Derek Wyatt
Hi All,
I've got localhosting set up and I'd like to edit a folder as user
www, but
sudo -u www mate folder_name
doesn't seem to work as expected. This could be because I don't know
the default Mac OS X www user password, I need to modify the sudoers
file, or because sudo doesn't pass privs to Textmate when called via
mate, as Allan seems to suggest here:
Is this possible, or should I add it to the Wiki requests page? If it
is possible, can someone point me in the right direction?
peace - oli
dear list,
pardon my ignorance on this one... I have a feeling this has been
covered many times...
I'm wanting to try using TM for projects I'd usually use just Xcode
for... but I'm missing the class/method/function suggestions you get
when you are typing symbols in Xcode and press esc. does TM offer
popup suggestion menus like this? specifically for cocoa/
corefoundation/core graphics, etc?
Todd Ditchendorf
Scandalous Software - Mac XML Developer Tools
I have a category with a "," in the category name. If I fetch now the
categories via the "cat"-snippet I get the following:
Category: part until the comma
Category: part from the comma
In my case the category "Liebling, ich hab Migräne weil…" becomes
Category: Liebling
Category: ich hab Migräne weil…
Jammern für Anfänger: Niels K. (25) Jammerbacke -- auch für
professionelles Jammern zu haben
Hi all,
I am having a problem getting started with tm_dialog. I followed the
instructions (intro_to_tm_dialog.mov --
) but the first error I found was this:
> tm_dialog
line 5: /bin/tm_dialog_v5: No such file or directory
( In this 20 seconds I learned the ctrl-R - whoa KICK BUTT!! -- but sadly
`which tm_dialog` didn't work (strange tm_dialog worked)..)
The script was easy so I just will use tm_dialog_v5, but then the
following error occurred. Upon simply creating an empty nib and attempting
to use tm_dialog with it I get the following error:
> tm_dialog_v5 ~/Desktop/test.nib
tm_dialog: you have updated the Dialog plug-in to v8 but the tm_dialog
tool is still at v5
Since the movie ended abruptly I figured someone has a working example
buried in the TM application. I dug into the SharedBundles and started
looking around hoping to find a completion to the movie - or a bunch of
people who have created some nibs. I only found 10. (Uh-oh) Doing some
digging I can't seem to find any code which calls a nib other than the
subversion example but I don't understand how that works - it doesn't
appear to actually call it (i.e It doesn't ever seem to do a tm_dialog??)
So I am left with a bunch of questions I hope you experts can help me
1. How can I get tm_dialog v8 or how do I get this to work as is?
2. Can someone give me a crude example of how to call a nib from a bundle
command and use it's output?
3. When creating a nib I want to get a password from a user - how do I
obfuscate the input?
4. How can I store that password so I can use it in other functions
within the bundle?
5. There was mention of a python property list parser - does anyone know
how this works with tm_dialog (example would be great), where it is and
how to use it?
Thanks a lot from A paying customer - who just bought the book too!!
Steven M. Klass
Strategic Manager, Design Automation - Analog Mixed Signal
3930 East Ray Road, Suite 200
Phoenix, Arizona 85044
(480) 704-7046 (Desk)
(480) 225-1112 (Mobile)
Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is how I am supposed to commit or
if there is a bug with TextMate's subversion bundle but here goes...
If I modify a few files and want to commit all my changes in 1 commit
with 1 message there is only 1 way I've found to do so. I have to
select the top level folder (like trunk, that contains my app, public
etc directories) at which point you can use the menu or the key
shortcut Ctl+Shift+A to pop up a window and choose commit, see the
multiple file, type you message and subversion sends the changes off
to the repository... the only problem is that in order to get a pop up
dialog on the top level folder (ie trunk) you have to have some (any)
file ope in textmate. Is this normal? I have gotten used to it but
sometimes before I quit for the night I close all my windows so no
preview is open in textedit and just the file drawer is there and I go
"shoot...I should really do a commit" but I can just select the folder
and get the list...I have to have a file open.
I know it's picky...is this how everyone else is doing it???
I'm headed over to your site now. As my few very noob questions have
revealed, I'm no code jockey -- wish I was a little bit -- but a word
jockey. The coolness of your efforts is much appreciated.