I am using TextMate 1.5.3 and the latest bundles checked out from the
repository. When I open bubbleSort.java [1] in TextMate, some of the
comments are highlighted as comments; some aren't. Bug?
Also, when I select all text in the file then do Text > Indent
Selection, the file isn't properly indented. (Note especially the
last few lines of the file.) Is this a bug, or does the command
simply not handle inter-method Java indentation?
[1] http://www2.latech.edu/~box/ds/bubbleSort.java
I try to develop my own commands. So I'm new to Ruby, my commands
sometimes are buggy. How can I easily debug my commands. How do you
do it?
I've attached a complete rewrite of the Wikipedia linking code. It's a
little more modular, a lot more inclusive and a bit smarter than before.
I am definitely still open to input (Haris ;-)) on my coding technique and
anything that can be done to improve the command. I'm just getting my feet
wet with Ruby, regular expressions and TextMate in general.
If you're currently using the command I distriubted previously on this list,
Brett Inc. "strongly urges it's users to upgrade to this latest release".
I set up WordPress blogging per the help and screencast instructions. When I
fetch posts (I just did an svn up on the bundle, so I¹m at v.5327), I get
the following error:
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:535:in `do_rpc': HTTP-Error: 406 Not
Acceptable (RuntimeError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:409:in `call2'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:399:in `call'
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application
from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb:11:in
from /Library/Application
from /tmp/temp_textmate.mU5BiJ:3
The setup is:
# List of Blogs
# Enter a blog name followed by the endpoint URL
# Blog Name URL
finesite http://admin@myfinesite.com/wp/xmlrpc.php
Is this a familiar result and is there something stupid I¹m missing? BTW:
There is an admin user for the blog and I¹ve tried:
* siteadmin(a)myfinesite.com
* admin(a)www.myfinesite.com
Not sure where to go from here. Help appreciated!
This is my template command
if test \! -e "$TM_NEW_FILE"; then
TM_YEAR=`date +%Y` \
TM_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` \
TM_USERNAME=`niutil -readprop / /users/\$USER realname` \
TM_PACKAGE=`sed <<<"$TM_NEW_FILE_DIRECTORY" 's#.*classes/
##'|tr / .`
perl -pe 's/\$\{([^}]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g' \
< class.as > "$TM_NEW_FILE"
And TM_PACKAGE comes out blank.
what am I doing wrong?
On 26/9/2006, at 19:52, Ketan Anjaria wrote:
> In a previous version of textmate the following code for a template
> worked to create a TM_PACKAGE variable
> TM_PACKAGE=`sed <<<$TM_NEW_FILE_DIRECTORY -n 's#.*classes/\
> (.*\)#\1#p'|tr / .` \
Try this: TM_PACKAGE=`sed <<<"$TM_NEW_FILE_DIRECTORY" 's#.*classes/
##'|tr / .`
I have only had a chance to test this on Wordpress. It needs to be placed
in the Blogging Bundle because it references the blogging.rb file in that
support directory.
If anyone using the blogging bundle would be willing to give this a try and
let me know if it works with other platforms, it would be greatly
Dear list menbers,
I have the following problem:
I received a plain text file utf-8 encoded written on a Windows PC. I
could open this file and I could edit this file perfectly.
After my modifications I saved this as utf-8 with LF. OK.
Then I tried to import the content of that file in a database. This
didn't work, because the database couldn't parse the first line.
Then I opened that file in a HexEditor and I saw that the first line
begins with EF BB BF. After looking at this I remembered that these
bytes are the BOM (Byte Order Marker) for utf-8 and Windows PC's make
often use of it to save utf-8 text files.
My problem is now that I couldn't find a way to save my text file as
utf-8 without BOM.
I had to use jEdit for that, because in jEdit you can select the
encoding utf-8 or utf-8y (meaning with BOM).
Is there any chance to implement this in TextMate? Or, may be better,
that TextMate saves all utf-8 files without BOM, because I think this
marker is irrelevant within utf-8. It only makes sense in utf-16/32.
All the best,
After reading on this list about all the great recent updates to the
Latex bundle I decided to svn-up all the bundles I've installed:
> cd /Library/Application\ Support/Textmate/Bundles
> svn up
Then I used the "Reload Bundles" command from inside TextMate.
Now an odd thing is happening. The old key equivalents don't seem to work
for the Latex-bundle commands anymore, even though they are the same in
the menu. Similarly they do not appear in the Use Bundle Item... dialog
when I summon it with Ctrl-Cmd-T. Suggestions? TIA for your help.
This little command is just the most basic proof of concept of a
working live shell command.
You can easily hack it up to run any random shell command you want.
I'm planning of using something like this to implement a bunch of
stuff soon.
TextMate Bookmarks, live updating.
ZenTest autotest
Mongrel server / Rails app log tail
Feel free to suggest other interesting stuff.

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg