Is there somewhere a viewer for pages written with MediWiki syntax?
As I do not plan the full install of MediaWiki on my laptop, I'm looking
for a very simple viewer that would allow to see files edited offline in
I've tried pmWiki, that works fine, but does not use the same syntax
as MediaWiki.
Thanks in advance,
Jo <W:00°04'37" ; N:47°15'36">
I am working on a design refresh of a site in ColdFusion. As CF is
incompatible with Java SDK > 1.4.2 and there is no way to downgrade
(I am using 1.5/5.0) without reinstalling the OS, I am stuck running
the CF server on another computer. Apparently the internal CF server
is unable to have a web root folder that is hosted on a network
share, so I am also stuck editing via SMB (unless there is some other
option I'm not thinking of?). The funny thing is that when I work o
Now to …
[View More]the TextMate bit: Every time I switch to TextMate, there is a
multi-second pause (sometimes accompanied by the SBOD) before I can
resume editing. This happens before the window regains highlight, if
that helps. This is frustrating, as there is often a change/save/
reload type of flow to my work, particularly editing CSS etc. Has
anyone experienced this or similar behavior, or know of an
alternative solution (I'm hoping to avoid anything like FTP). The
problem does seem particular to TextMate, since I was using skEdit
set up the same way for a while without the same problem. The
problem does not occur when editing on an SMB share hosted on our
linux server.
I'm running TM on a Mac Mini 1.42 g4/1 gb on 10.4.6, and the "server"
is a P4 3.2ghz/1gb ram WinXP SP2... They are connected via 100Mbps
Eric O'Connell
IBA Webmaster
941-921-7443 x15
[View Less]
A recent change to the Perl bundle had the effect of highlighting
large chunks of code as if they were match or replace statments. For
example, it parses this line as if the slash were the start of a m/
regexp/ statement:
local $/;
It does the same to pretty much any line with a slash in it, for
example when dividing two numbers.
As a workaround I've added '#/' as a comment to the end of these
lines, but I'm hoping that's a very short-lived hack ;)
Many thanks in advance,
- Dave
This worked like a charm, mreece, thanks!
On Aug 31, 2006, at 12:46 PM, Michael Reece wrote:
> looks to me like this pattern:
> .*\.(framework|app|pbproj|pbxproj|xcode(proj)?|bundle|archive)
> is matching folder names that have these extensions; anything (.*)
> followed by a dot (\.) followed by one of those patterns.
> you should put archive outside that closing paren, or near the front:
> .*/(\.[^/]*|CVS|_darcs|\{arch\}|blib|.*~\.nib|.*\.(framework|…
[View More]app|
> pbproj|pbxproj|xcode(proj)?|bundle)|archive)$
> or
> .*/(\.[^/]*|archive|CVS|_darcs|\{arch\}|blib|.*~\.nib|.*\.
> (framework|app|pbproj|pbxproj|xcode(proj)?|bundle))$
[View Less]
I'm editing a Dashboard widget as a TextMate project. It took me a
while to figure out that **updates to CSS are not reflected in the
Web Preview** of the corresponding HTML page of the widget.
I can even completely delete the contents of the CSS file, and still,
the preview renders with the old version of the CSS file. I tried
Command-R, manual reloads in the preview windows etc - nothing worked
except quitting and restarting TextMate, which is obviously not a
satisfying solution.
[View More]
Do I miss something here? (For me, this feature seems to be broken,
and I found some mailing list posting from 6 months ago; but I hoped
that the current version has fixed these problems).
My configuration is
TextMate 1.5.3 (1215),
Mac OS X 10.4.7 Latest update,
No HTML/CSS bundle modified by me.
Thanks for your help,
[View Less]
Before the last update I could type something like:
div {
And all was well and good. Now TM throws a space in automatically
which is fine. I just have to get used to that. But now I can't
overtype the semi-colon. I used to be able when I got to then end of
the statement type ";" and it would overwrite the one that was
already there and place my cursor outside the statement. Now it puts
2 semi-colons and i'm still stuck in the statement.
div {
color: red;;
What …
[View More]happened to the ability to Overtype the semi-colons in the css
context? And how do I bring it back?
[View Less]
I'm not sure what the TextMate terms for this are, so please bear with
me (I'd have searched the help file more thoroughly, if I knew the
right terms)
When, for example, creating a method declaration using m(tab) in the
Objective-C bundle, you get this:
-(id) method:(id)aparameter;
(or something close to it).
The caret is on the first id, which is selected. So far, so good --
type in, and the "id" is replaced, as expected, with what you typed.
However, and this is probably something I …
[View More]just got used to with
Eclipse, there doesn't seem to be a way to jump to, and select, the
next replaceable field, for example the word "method", which is done
by pressing 'tab' in Eclipse, navigating from field to field until all
are set, with the last caret position being a specified insert
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself well, but I hope that what I
describe is fairly clear.
So, is there a way to do this? If so, how? And, what is it called,
so that I never have to ask this question again? ;)
Chris R.
Not to be taken literally, internally, or seriously.
[View Less]
In my language I'm using:
{ name = 'meta.blank.line';
match = '^\n';
which works great for identifying blank lines.
The problem comes when I get to the last line of the document.
Textmate usually uses the character to the right of the caret for
scoping, but when at the end of the document the scope switches to
the left side of the caret. And because I'm on an empty line there's
nothing to match.
So is it even possible to scope the last line of the document when
[View More]it's empty?
I thought I had an answer with \z but Textmate doesn't seem to
support \z in the language grammar - or maybe I'm using it totally
Any help is appreciated.
[View Less]
To replicate:
my ($match) =
my $syntax_coloration_broken = 'from here down';
What appears to be happening is that the \s* is interpretted as a
substitution, e.g. s*search*replace*;
Suggestions on fixing thing?
To any users of the Subversion bundle: How can I add support for
providing passwords to svn when I'm using DAV_SVN with SSL and
key-based authentication?
For example, right now in the svn info output, there are six requests
for the password. If those are all ignored, I believe that I don't
get an SSL connection, which is... undesirable.
Any advice? I'm certainly willing to code the solution myself, if needs be.
Chris R.
Not to be taken literally, internally, or seriously.