> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Message: 7
> > Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 01:03:28 +0200
> > From: Allan Odgaard <throw-away-1(a)macromates.com>
> > Subject: Re: [TxMt] A TMBundle for Textpattern beta relaease
> > To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
> > Message-ID: <F3B8D746-E6D6-428B-A2AE-690899C83B22(a)macromates.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; delsp=yes;
> > format=flowed
> >
> > On 22/6/2006, at 23:01, marios wrote:
> >
>> >> Would it be possible to include an include statement, like the one I
>> >> included in the patched version ?
> >
> > Not sure exactly which one you are referring to.
If the HTML Bundle gets something like:
{ name = 'text.html.txp';
match = '(</txp:.*?>|<txp:.*?>|<txp:.*?\s{,8}/>|<txp:([a-z]{3})_.*?/?>)';
then I wouldn't have to include a whole clone of the HTML Bundle.
Wouldn't that also make it more compatible with the rest of the Bundle
It's the HTML Bundle that interferes, I couldn't find any way to tell
the HTML Bundle not to match TXP tags.
> >
> > However, you can add ?disabled = 1;? to the rule to disable it. You
> > shouldn?t prefix it with X?es, as that?ll just give run-time errors
> > (for ?language not found?.)
I should have taken a better look at the syntax rules, thanks for
pointing that out.
> >
>> >> Just one quick question, some default assorted Grammars, have
>> >> disappeared from the Bundle Editor after the last Software update
>> >> to r1112.
> >
> > Which ones?
The HTML ones. I tried This:
1)I deleted the UUID from the cloned html Bundles(assorted ones),
since that didn't led to any change, I tried:
1) I discarded all bundles, included the TXP bundle that I had created
and left in the Bundle Editor.(I did that manually, not from the Bundle
2)I SVN updated all bundles, reloaded Bundles from command line
Since that didn't lead to any change, I double clicked on the HTML
Bundle in /Library/Applicationsupport/Bundles , but no luck.
> >
>> >> Although they are there in their default locations, they just don't
>> >> show
>> >> up in the Bundle Editor.
> >
> > Only the languages? If it is the languages you copied to your own
> > bundle, it is because you did not give the copies a new UUID then --
> > i.e. use duplicate in the bundle editor (rather than copy on disk.)
See above, sorry, regards, marios
Still didn't check out Brad Choates new
Blogging Bundle, and watch your cast, that's really terrific.
I'd better watch that in depth ASAP,
regards, marios
I'd like my functions to appear in the popup menu. My function
definitions look like this:
(define (func-name arg1 arg2)
(print "the arguments were " arg1 " and " arg2))
and the bundle I've been given has this:
{ name = 'declaration.function.lisp';
match = '(\b(?i:(def\-new|define(-macro)?))\b)(\s+)((\w|\-|\!|\?)*)';
captures =
{ 2 = { name = 'keyword.control.function-type.lisp'; };
4 = { name = 'entity.name.function.lisp'; };
I can understand why it also covers other types of definition ( eg
(def-new and (define-macro ) although I rarely use these, and it sort
of looks Ok at first glance (I don't know whether some of those
parentheses should be escaped...). Nothing appears in the function
pop-up menu, though. Should I expect this to work as like this or has
something else gone wrong, or does it rely on other things being set
as well?
did you make any recent changes to the Bundle svn feed? For some
reason NewsFire no longer picks up entries (works fine in Safari, but
i think it's much more forgiving of formatting errors). Last one i
received was Sunday at 6.30 (CST).
I don't know if this exact thing has been up, sorry if it has. But I
thought perhaps one could have sort of a local svn of the bundles,
with only one "level" of fallback (sorry, I don't speak technical svn).
So that when you customise an item in a bundle, it will make a copy
of that specific entry, and place it first (or last) of all the items
(snippets, languages, commands etc), with a big delimiter between
"your" stuff and the bundle default stuff.
This could upen up for revert commands, and perhaps even diff
commands. Also, if you delete something from the original, it can
show up among your things with a big linethrough.
Perhaps one should also be able to see what sort of "own" things has
been forked off original things, so you can compare with the
original. Also, you can add your entirely new items into a logical
bundle, and you will see that it is yours entirely and not built off
an original.
I hope I've made myself clear on the whole idea, and I hope it's not
something that's already come up :)
I am sure most of you already know, but google code hosting is a nice
place for hosting your bundles' svn repositories…
see http://code.google.com/hosting/faq.html for details.
Hello fellow maters,
A while ago we had a command that would align statements at their =
Would it be possible to incorporate that feature into the table-
macros fo LaTeX? So that the tables cells are aligned at the & signs?
And possibly make a command out of this that would re-format existing
just wondering if anyone feels like it ;)
…in his final stages of actually beating that thesis writing monster…
Hello everybody,
I am almost sure that this has been discusse on the list some time
ago, but I did not find anything right now.
For my Ph.D. dissertation, I am working with a LaTeX document which
is split up to many small files, one for each chapter.
I am using the TM_LATEX_MASTER variable which is set as a project
preference, and which points to the master document.
Now I would like to do the following: In order to print only a single
chapter of my dissertation I would like to use another central
document which ignores the TM_LATEX_MASTER variable. It should be
part of my project, however.
Is it possible to set the TM_LATEX_MASTER to a different value only
for this file?
TeXShop allows setting the main document by putting something like
%!TEX root = ../main.tex
at the beginning of a document. Does something like this exist in TM
as well?
(I know that I could also use the includeonly command, but that does
not work too well, since I also would like to change some things in
the central document for this specific file.)
Thanks in advance,
best regards
Matthias Damm
PGP key: http://macpla.net/MatthiasDamm.asc
PGP fingerprint: CED3 6074 7F7D 3148 C6F3 DFF2 05FF 3A0B 0D12 4D41
i made a command which converts textile-code to html (duh!). and
back (yeah!). well not really. what it does is embedding the
textile-content within a html-comment and on revert it ditches all
the html and just returns the comment.
i made this command because i think textile is a really fast way of
producing formated content (i know you're there, markdown-fans!).
but the problem is, the files don't stay editable. with textile,
that is. so now i can save an html-file with embedded textile and it
is ready for presentation and i can come back at any time and edit
the same file without having to keep a copy of the textile-file.
i'm a bad coder. i didn't manage to use the entire document rather
than the saved file as input. perhaps s/o else can help.
here's the code:
if [[ `head -1 $TM_FILENAME` == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?
>' ]]
TEXTILEBEGINSAT=`grep "begin textile code" -n $TM_FILEPATH |\
awk -F ":" '{print $1}' `
DOCUMENTHASLINES=`wc -l $TM_FILEPATH | awk '{print $1}'`
tail -$LINES |\
grep -v "end textile code-->" | grep -v "</body></html>"
if [[ -z $TM_FILENAME ]]
then title="Textile Preview"
else title="${TM_FILENAME%.*}"
. "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/html.sh"
htmlHeader "$title" '<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #eee;
.contents {
background: white;
font-family: Verdena, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
border: 1px #888 solid;
padding: 0 1em;
beginTag div 'contents'
cat $TM_FILEPATH | "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin/Textile.rb"
echo "<!-- begin textile code:"
echo "end textile code-->"
htmlFooter; }
the command uses "input: none" and "output: replace document" and
"scope selector: text.html.textile".
it would also be nice, if the command could change the scope to html
and back to textile. is this possible?
regards, niko.
niko dittmann <ni-di(a)web.de>
The Blogging bundle is really nifty, apart from one small problem –
it doesn't want to set the date to anything other than Right Now when
used with WordPress 2.04.
If I add a Date: header and change the date to some point in the
future the post still shows with the current time and I have to edit
the date through the WordPress interface.
I don't know whether it's WordPress or the bundle that's causing this
- can anyone help?
BTW, is it particularly easy to add extra fields? I'd quite like to
add support for the event end time field for the EventCalendar plugin