Hi All,
Is there a way to add other encodings to the "Re-open with encoding"
menu? I only have Mac Roman, ISO-8859-1 and UTF8/UTF16 encodings in
the list and I would like to add something like KOI8-R, CP-1251 etc.
How can I do it?
Hi all,
Watch out if you update to the latest TextMate bundles and themes (via svn)
- revision 3030. The Eiffel bundle includes a theme that has the same UUID
in it as the MacClassic theme (most likely the author copied the theme and
changed the elements, but didn't change the UUID.)
This results in the Mac Classic theme not appearing in the Theme menu in the
preferences. I went into the file itself and changed one digit of the UUID,
and now both appear in the menu.
Just a heads up! Hopefully the author is on this list and will see and
correct it.
I like the use that Textmate makes of the help key, but I have one
suggestion as an addition. Could it suggest possible spellings of a
misspelt word too?
I'm trying to create a snippet that will create the following:
list: foo / bar / foo
foo does:
foo does not:
bar does:
bar does not:
foo does:
foo does not:
that automatically builds itself based on the number of items in the
slash-separated list ...with tab-stops after all the items.
What I've come up with is:
Which can do this:
foo / bar / foo
but not much else. So I ask you, whose kung-fu is much better than mine.
P.S. - Can you have a transforming snippet that inserts tab-stops for
you? I don't think I've seen that anywhere. That would be awesome.
Yeah I have little idea of how the syntax works - I just tried to make it
look decent and I wasn't sure how important it would be to separate scopes
out for such a little language. Thanks for your bundle - I added some stuff
and made a bunch of changes to mine on the strength and maybe it's a little
better now. I imagine it's still pretty off though - I'd welcome some input
from someone that knows their languagey stuff.
I need to figure out how to scope functions() that have other functions
inside them, my first regex was not good at all. And I wish I could get %"
to be completed as Smart Typing Pairs, but it seems you can only have one
character in them :(
Thanks for that. It's good to see that others use TextMate and remind.
> The language grammar needs work I think. It is less than optimal to
> group everything into keyword.operator.remind and
> constant.language.remind. I put together a language grammar awhile
> back before the naming conventions matured. I haven't posted it,
> because it should be updated to conform to these. But one advantage,
> I think, is that it had a better "spread". I attach it in case you
> want to have a look at it.
> Another minor thing that I also did that I find useful is to display
> monthly calendars with TM's browser using rem2html.
> All the best, Mark
I know some form of chunky undo (as opposed to the current char-by-char
undo) is on the to-do list (yaay) and and I had a thought about it:
Might it makes sense to offer both, in an attempt to get the best of
both worlds? For instance one could type cmd-Z to get chunky undo, then
cmd-option-Z to get char-by-char. Basically this lets one make big jumps
to get to approximately the right spot, then inch along to get to the
precise spot.
An undo history could be even faster to navigate, but that sounds like a
much more complicated programming problem. I've seen a history in at
least one CAD program, but never a text editor.
-- Russell
I'm currently extending the JavaScript and the "Prototype &
Scriptaculous" bundles [1] but noticed one thing. When a language has
a "sub scope" like in this case (since prototype is a JavaScript
framework, the parent scope is JavaScript") shouldn't the scopeName
be 'source.js.prototype' instead of 'source.prototype.js'?
Otherwise the reglar JavaScript bundle items wouldn't work, would
they? See the attached plist file,
[1] http://encytemedia.com/blog/articles/2006/01/03/textmate-vibrant-
As some of you probably know, since revision 948, TextMate supports
the ability to have the entire document together with all the scope
information as input for command. This is done by setting a key
"inputFormat" with value "xml" into the plist file for the command,
and setting the input to the command to be the entire document. This
will input the document in a "pseudo-xml" format, of the type:
<scopename>text</scopename>, with nestings etc.
The ScopeHandler class is a Ruby class I just put together that
offers you an easy interface to this “xml”-style input. I've set up a
home page for this class with a couple of descriptions and examples
The actual file can be found here:
Use at your own risk. Let me know if you do. Feel free to suggest
additions/corrections/more examples/ideas for use.
I'm not groking the current implementation of stracc in the objc bundle.
- (NSString *)${1:thing}
return ${2:f${1/(.)(.*)/\U$1\E$2/}};
- (void)set${3:${1/(.)(.*)/\U$1\E$2/}}:(NSString *) $1
NSString * old${3:Thing} = ${2:fThing};
$2 = [${1:thing} copy];
[old${3:Thing} release];
Clearly fThing is not defined so return fThing makes no sense in a
getter accessor method. Nor does instantiating another string object
in the setter method.
A "working" objc stracc:
- (NSString *)${1:thing}
return ${2:${1/(.)(.*)/$1\E$2/}};
- (void)set${3:${1/(.)(.*)/\U$1\E$2/}}:(NSString *)${4:a$3}
$4 = [$4 copy];
[$1 release];
$1 = $4;
[This models the string accessor implementation defined in
Hillegass ... if it's not correct, maybe someone should tell Aaron.]
Refactoring and/or explanation as to the current defined stracc is
Mark Grimes
Stateful Labs