>What do you get if you open a new document, type "puts `echo $PATH`"
>in the first line and press ctrl-shift-E?
>Also, can you paste your environment.plist file contents?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://
<plist version="1.0">
Özgür Gökmen | og(a)pyromedia.org
Haris: You might like to know that environment.plist doesn't work
with me. Option-esc prints the
command not found: kpsewhich -show-path=tex
LatexCitekeys.rb:157: command not
found: kpsewhich -show-path=bib
Rebooting does not help either. I will stick with the shell variable
On Nov 22, 2006, at 9:05 PM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> You need to log out and then back in for the change to show up.
Özgür Gökmen | og(a)pyromedia.org
Hi All,
Is it possible to call a "Bundle command" from a tm_dialog dialogue ?
Best regards,
David Jack Olrik <david(a)olrik.dk> http://david.olrik.dk
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["The first rule of Perl club is You do not talk about Perl club"]
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I've been poking again around in the bundle editor.(Yes the Bundle
editor is very addictive)
The default command : TextMate > create HTML from selection is very
However, I had the Idea, to have the same thing as a drag command
(without the styles), so one could just write a post and drag the code
snippets in from The drawer ( file extension code of something)
I tried to replace the variable content of TM_SELECTED_TEXT with
something like :
`cat "TM_DROPPED_FILE"`, but it doesn't output anything just the HTML
tags until the pre tags.
Could it be done easily, using the same requires in RUBY.
That way, one could just write along, while dragging the code in,
without loosing focus of the document window.
Wouldn't that be nice ?
Any Ideas ?
regards, marios
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
Comment: This might change in the future
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
I'm trying to figure out why, when I type something like this:
void foo(int bar,
int baz)
it does not get indented like the manual says it should according to
I've also found that this:
if (foo)
also doesn't get automatically indented.
I'm using Version 1.5.4 (1349) and have done an 'Update All Bundles'
from the 'GetBundle' bundle.
The Indentation Rules preference directly from the C bundle look like
{ decreaseIndentPattern = '(?x)
^ (.*\*/)? \s* \} ( [^}{"'']* \{ | \s* while \s* \( .* )? [;\s]*
(//.*|/\*.*\*/\s*)? $
| ^ \s* (public|private|protected): \s* $
increaseIndentPattern = '^.*\{[^}"'']*$|^\s*(public|private|
indentNextLinePattern = '^(?!.*[};:]\s*(//|/\*.*\*/\s*$)).*[^\s;:{}]
unIndentedLinePattern = '^\s*((/\*|\*/|//|#|template\b.*?>(?!\(.*\))|
I guess this is a two-part question:
1. Why weren't `<` and `>` included as a smartTypingPair for
Markdown? Since
those are the characters used to surround in-line URLs that should
clickable links, it seems like it should be there so you could
just highlight
a URL and type `<`. This seems pretty obvious though, so maybe
this pair was
omitted intentionally for some reason I haven't caught onto?
2. Since the scope in Markdown includes `text.html`, why doesn't
that pair
get pulled from the HTML bundle's preferences? Is it because there
explicitly defined pairs for a more specific scope in this case
Just curious. Thanks.
Hello (sorry for my bad english)
1) Insert a macro applied at a selection :
selection --> \<caret and choice>{selection} --> \macro{selection}
If i want to apply a macro like \fbox or colorbox, i would like to
make this :
i've an expression $\gamma\leq3$ and i want \fbox{$\gamma\leq3$}
i would like to select $\gamma\leq3$ and with a shortcut get this:
\<caret>{$\gamma\leq3$} and now i can write fbox or colorbox ?
I miss the feature ?
2) Is it a possible in a special environment to use a special langage
and/or a special coloring syntax and/or a special completion ??
for exemple
\begin{pspicture} .... \end{pdpicture}
\begin{tikzpicture} .... \end{tikzpicture}
I give these environments because there are rich with a lot of macros
like beamer, listings
Greetings Alain Matthes
Thanks for the feedback,
The only way I've been able to figure out to run selections is to save
the selection to a temporary file and run the temporary file. Alan
suggested saving the file in /temp/somthing.do, rather than in the
current working directory. I think that makes sense and will give it
a bid. I looked at the R bundle's implementation of running a
selection, and as best I could tell (not very well, granted) it relies
on some AppleScript that Stata doesn't recognize. Simply stealing the
R implementation was my first instinct, but I couldn't get it to work
(which doesn't mean, it can't work, just that I couldn't get it to
Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'll probably use both of them,