Sorry if this has already been answered, but I couldn't find a thread
on it.
Question -- how do you change the transparency value of the document
window? The latest beta defaults to this, and God almighty does it
hurt my eyes. ActionScript syntax highlighting doesn't appear to be
working either, which makes the transparency even harder to read text
There seems to be a syntax coloring/language definition bug in TM
that leads to an unexpected quit (not a real "crash" as I don't get
an OS X crash report). I've attached a LaTeX document that leads to
this (with current bundles). Can anyone reproduce this behavior?
bye, Frank!
Has anyone had problems with pasting and indenting? I found a message
from last october but no followup.
What happens is that whenever I paste code, things are "double"
indented. For example, if I select, copy and paste just the 2 middle
lines of the following...
1 def index
2 @todos = Todo.find(:all, :include => [:users, :job])
3 render_partial_collection "todo", @todos
4 end
... I end up with this...
1 def index
2 @todos = Todo.find(:all, :include => [:users, :job])
3 render_partial_collection "todo", @todos
4 @todos = Todo.find(:all, :include => [:users, :job])
5 render_partial_collection "todo", @todos
6 end
Line #5 shouldn't be indented any more than line #6, yet it's
indented with 2 additional tabs (or set of 4 spaces, doesn't matter
which I use). That's not supposed to happen, right?
Using b12.
Jack Baty - Director of Unspecified Services
Fusionary Media -
Weblog -
I upgraded last week TextMate to the latest version (1.b12) which was
the first with the new syntax coloring engine I tried. And I really
have speed problems with it. When I scroll down, it may take 2-3
seconds before updating the text display, which is really painful.
My computer is a 800 MHz iBook G4 with 640 MB of RAM. Yes, it's not
top notch but I think TextMate should be able to work at a decent
speed. I'm pretty sure the previous version did not have this problem.
Does anyone else has any speed problem with the latest beta ?
Vincent Isambart
i've been sort of out of the loop lately with the textmate
progressions and have been using b4 for quite a while. i updated
yesterday to b12 and copied all my bundles i wanted over, but seem to
be having trouble getting one i have (Velocity, for VTL) to work at
all. would anyone out there like to help me figure out what's wrong if
it send it?
thanx in advance...
- jamal
I've downloaded and installed 1.1b12. Seeing that the list of
languages was rather skimpy (in particular, no Perl or Python), I
followed the instructions on the TM Wiki to checkout the complete set
of bundles from the Subversion repository. They are now sitting in /
Library/Application\ Support/TextMate. Also following the Wiki's
suggestion, I trashed the Bundles folder in the package.
Upon restarting TM, I see more languages in the View/Language
submenu, but not nearly as many as there are tmbundles in the Bundles
folder. I certainly don't need most of them, but I'd like to know why
they're not showing up.
Also, is it appropriate to trash the Settings and Support folders in now that I have copies in /Library/Application\ Support/
Mark Lawrence
I get
U Bundles/markdown.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Markdown.plist
U Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Commands/runSQL.plist
U Bundles/Defaults.tmbundle/info.plist
U Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Commands/pydoc.plist
U Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Commands/Python.plist
U Bundles/Python.tmbundle/info.plist
U Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Python.plist
U Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Ruby.plist
U Bundles/PHP.tmbundle/Syntaxes/PHP.plist
U Bundles/Objective-C.tmbundle/Commands/Lookup Cocoa Class.plist
D Bundles/LanguageDefinition.tmbundle/Tools/plist.bundle
U Bundles/LanguageDefinition.tmbundle/Tools/list_shortcuts.rb
U Bundles/LanguageDefinition.tmbundle/Commands/Restart TextMate.plist
U Bundles/LanguageDefinition.tmbundle/Commands/Show Keyboard
U Bundles/LanguageDefinition.tmbundle/Syntaxes/LanguageDefinition.plist
U Bundles/Logtalk.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Logtalk.plist
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/svn_commit.rb
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/format_info.rb
A Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/format_blame.rb
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/format_log.rb
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Tools/format_status.rb
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Commands/Revert.plist
U Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle/Commands/Commit.plist
subversion/libsvn_subr/utf.c:363: (apr_err=22)
svn: Can't recode string
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento