Looking at the Ruby and Python bundles, they don't seem to have this
value set. Is indenting based on the folding markers, or what's the
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
Hi Folks,
TmCodeBrowser is now available as tmplugin, with a number of
- Keyboard navigation and search, similar to the 'Go to File...' panel
- Compatible with OS X 10.3.9 and later
- Support for Objective-C
If you currently have the old TmCodeBrowser2 installed, please de-
install it first:
- Quit TextMate
- Drag the ~/Library/InputManagersManager folder into the trash
- Drag the ~/Library/InputManagers/InputManagersManager folder into
the trash
Note: You will not be able to empty the trash until you logout or
Then install the new TmCodeBrowser.tmplugin available here:
Note: Once unpacked, TmCodeBrowser.tmplugin will look like a Folder
(Allan has not added tmplugin to the CFBundleDocumentTypes in the
Info.plist file). Simply drag the TmCodeBrowser.tmplugin onto
TextMate, and TextMate will install the plugin. CodeBrowser will then
be available in the menu under 'Windows/Show CodeBrowser' (you may
need to restart TextMate for that entry to appear).
How do I keep a command output from sending in an extra newline?
I've got a command like this:
echo $\{1:`expr $TM_SELECTED_TEXT + 1`\}
Input: Selected Text
Output: insert as snippet
Activation: ctrl-up
Scope constant.numeric
But it's no good unless I can figure out how to keep that pesky
newline from jumping in my face.
one feature i miss from other text editors are white space indicators
and indentation guides. please see attached screenshot. note the subtle
dots which indicate spaces and the vertical dotted lines which are
usually called indentation guides. i'd love if textmate had options to
display these things.
Add this to your language grammar of choice (from a previous thread,
sorry but I couldn't find the link in the archives):
patterns = (
/* your other patterns */
{ name = 'meta.leading-tabs.yaml';
begin = '^(?=\t)';
end = '(?=[^\t])';
patterns = (
{ match = '(\t)(\t)?';
captures =
{ 1 = { name = 'meta.odd-tab'; };
2 = { name = 'meta.even-tab'; };
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento
+55 (21) 9997-0593
On 07/11/2005, at 16.22, Matt Mower wrote:
>> This is rather difficult for me to administrate, so chances are low.
> Do you mean administering this in the menu? Or in general?
Administrate in the code/in general.
> If it was an issue about the menu being dynamic I'd be quite happy
> with Paul Bissex's suggestion of putting the last command executed in
> the status area somewhere.
Yes, it's a very good idea (and I definitely like it), but it's not
something TM was designed to do, so it's a lot of work to “add”, as
it would require several things to be done differently -- so this is
distant future…
Hi Allan,
Sometimes I find myself in the situation where I try a key combination
which doesn't do what I thought but moves the carat leaving me
uncertain what action I have just performed. I know I can hit undo
but given the non-atomic undo nature it leaves me with doubts about
whether my file is changed.
Would it be possible to add a feature that tells you what function a
key combination will invoke?
What I have in mind would be:
select "identity key"
press key combination, e.g. Cmd+Opt+V
TxMt pops up a dialog identifying the bundle & command this will activate
Choose "yes"
Executes command
Choose "no"
Does nothing
This would help me, (a) because I could work out what I *did* do, and
(b) because I could help myself learn key combos safely (by either
passing through to the action or not).
Just a thought, not sure how good of a one though ;-)
Matt Mower :: http://matt.blogs.it/
It's not exhaustive but it's a start. Kudos to the authors of the Ruby,
Python, and XML bundles for their inspiration.
Ben Jackson
Diretor de Desenvolvimento