We released version 1.0.5 of Yummy FTP today which fixes the remote editing crash,
provides full VMS support, and a handful of other nice things.
If anyone wants to beta test future versions, or if you just have a question, please don't
hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Jason Downing
Yummy Software
Software so good you could eat it. Yum!
> Roy:
> Yeah fugu is the bomb. Trouble is, I have a couple people who still use
> standard ftp. Does Fugu do straight FTP?
> Russell:
> Thanks, I'll ask them!
> Chris
> On Dec 16, 2004, at 8:00 AM, Roy D. Todd II wrote:
> > Have you tried Fugu? The 1.1.1 RC2 client integrates with TextMate
> > well. It also uses the systems underlying FTP and SFTP commands in
> > order to have rock solid connections. I've had great luck with it.
> >
> > Roy
> > On Dec 16, 2004, at 12:18 AM, Chris Schwan wrote:
> >
> >> Where do we get the 1.0.5 betas? I also was about to buy Yummy, and
> >> cant keep the app open during edit mode.
> >>
> >> Chris
> >> On Dec 15, 2004, at 3:08 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> >>
> >>> In article
> >>> <809FD7DC-2C71-11D9-8B82-000A95D4B654(a)rgbdesignstudio.com>,
> >>> Eric Curtis
> >>> <ecurtis(a)rgbdesignstudio.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> After reading peoples comments about ftp programs last week I tried
> >>>> yummy ftp and I am very close to buying it. I love that I can
> >>>> select a
> >>>> remote file and hit cmd-B to open it in textmate. Is this the killer
> >>>> feature people where asking for?
> >>>>
> >>>> Does anyone else have reviews for this product?
> >>>
> >>> Many graphical ftp clients will allow you to edit a file on a remote
> >>> system using the editor of your choice -- a fact that suggests that
> >>> ftp/sftp support in an editor is not very important.
> >>>
> >>> My personal favorite ftp client is Fetch, but that does not support
> >>> sftp, so I tried out Yummy FTP and bought it. I feel it is less
> >>> mature
> >>> than Fetch, but reasonably well designed and shows great promise.
> >>> Also,
> >>> I was impressed with the support. However, the main reason I bought
> >>> it
> >>> was VMS support (not something likely to matter to most of you, but
> >>> if
> >>> it does, there aren't many options).
> >>>
> >>> I've run into a few snags, including a crash in 1.0.4 using edit
> >>> mode,
> >>> but that's fixed in the current 1.0.5 betas, and 1.0.5 should be
> >>> released any time now.
> >>>
> >>> -- Russell
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> textmate mailing list
> >>> textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
> >>> http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
> >>>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> textmate mailing list
> >> textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
> >> http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > textmate mailing list
> > textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
> > http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
> >
> _______________________________________________
> textmate mailing list
> textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
> http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
I imagine that this might have been covered before, so forgive me if so, but
is there any plans to build a file differencing tool into TextMate? I'm
talking about something akin to the interface that BBEdit provides, or Xcode
for that matter. I find that's the only reason I pop back to BBEdit now, the
ability to step through the differences line by line and copy the changes
between the files is very useful.
Chris Jenkins
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Here's an item that bugs me a lot, and there is probably not any
solution, but just maybe...
Often I'm editing text in a textarea on a web page, and I'd like to
edit it in my Favorite Real Editor. Of course I can select all, copy,
go to editor, open new, paste, edit, select all, copy, find browser
window, select all in the textarea, paste.
Is there a way to make this easier? Like hit a key and the editor
opens a window with the text. When I close (and save) the results are
returned to my browser window, and so am I.
I suppose there might be some hack where I could select text, hit a
keystroke (or something) and have the select text appear in the editor,
then if the default were to select all+copy when closing the window,
Anyway, some better solution to this problem would be really great.
A specialized hack might be to have the txmt: protocol thing integrated
so that the editor could fetch text via HTTP and know where to POST the
text upon completion of the edit. This may be a complete waste of
development effort since webdav is the right and proper solution here.
(By the way, I haven't used webdav to any extent really.)
This whole thought-stream was launched when I started looking at wikis
again. I love the ease-of-use of wikis, EXCEPT for editing in HTML
textarea blocks.
Hi all,
textmate launches dreamweaver MX '04 when opening php files from the
project drawer. When I open '.inc' files it launches subethaedit! The
file opens in both dreamweaver and in a TextMate tab.
Anyone know how I stop TextMate doing this?
The line numbers in the gutter don't always update correctly.
TextMate version: 1.0.2 (v1.0.2b10)
Steps to replicate:
Type in a few long lines, that get soft wrapped over multiple lines.
Go to the beginning of the third "soft" line, and press enter.
Go to the beginning of the second "soft" line, and press enter.
Expected result: line numbers get recalculated, so that the third line
gets number 3
Real result:
Here are two things I find obtrusive in TextMate, one of which is
probably just me not finding the right function.
1. I would like to see TextMate windows not going off the screen when
they are opened, or under the dock. I use a pretty small screen
(compared to lots of you) at 1024x768, and I like my windows to be full
size (and not go under the dock). Maximizing a TM window sizes it
perfectly - but then opening a new window offsets both downward and to
the right, resulting in a partially obscured window and a petty bug.
2. Is there a way to insert a template from a bundle somewhere into an
empty file or into a file create outside of a project? A menu item to
let me insert the xhtml strict template would save me a lot of time,
and seems like something that TM should have.
Anyone have any input on either of these little bothers? Am I just
completely missing something? Thanks!
I've been using TM since it came out and I should have reported this earlier.
It seems that TM is overly agressive with regards to caching a
directory listing int he "Open" dialog box. I have files that get
generated ( or that I create externally) that I want to edit in TM,
but if I've already been in that directory in the current TM session,
then I won't see the new files. I haven't figured out how to get TM to
refresh this list. Any ideas? Or is this a bug/feature?
Jeroen wrote:
> Although I have not really found a proper way to do code boxes. I
>settled for the solution I
>have now.
Your code boxes look beautiful! I realized by accident that if you
simply indent text, then it shows up as <pre></pre> text, so that's
how I ported the ShellScriptCorner page. Not as nice looking, but
Let me note that though the wiki is slightly annoying to use,
Textmate made it a lot easier!! In Omniweb, I just select all and
command-Escape and edit the textbox in TM, save and close to go back.
It makes life a lot easier.
- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
These tmbundles are intended to cover the languages as roughly defined
by Ada 95, Fortran 77, Fortran 95, and GNU Pascal.
I'm not an expert at any of these languages, but I believe the folding
for Ada and Pascal is useful.
As for Fortran folding, I didn't even try. I'm happy to add folding
support if someone will tell me where best to start and end the folds.
(Or, of course, you're welcome to modify the tmbundle and upload it
yourself :).
The wiki has been updated accordingly.
Share and enjoy,