[TxMt] Line Break and Soft tabs strangeness on Snow Leopard

Peer Allan Peer.Allan at canadadrugs.com
Mon Sep 14 12:03:39 UTC 2009

I recently updated to Snow Leopard and I am having a really odd thing pop
up.  Right now when editing a file I can click any where in the window and
the cursor will be inserted there. The funny part is that I can click to the
right of a line break and the cursor will stay there.  If I start typing the
line break jumps to the right of my current position.  Another funny thing
is with soft tabs.  In my Ruby files previously if I entered a tab (2 space
soft) and then hit delete it would remove the full tab (both spaces).  Now
when I hit tab it inserts the 2 spaces but if I have to press delete twice
to clear it because it only removes one space at at time.

Anyone else seen something like this? Or anyone kno

Peer Allan
Development Team Lead, e-Business

24  Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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Phone: (204) 654-7951
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