[TxMt] Re: svn commit hangs

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Tue Nov 24 15:12:02 UTC 2009

On 24 Nov 2009, at 16:04, Rick DeNatale wrote:

> [...]
> Yes, I'm not sure what's up with the hang using 1.9

Looking at the command I see it requires the textmate ruby lib, so  
this might load one of our extensions (which is what causes the hang).

Btw: when a command hangs, one can press ⌃C or ⌘. to break it.

> [ RSpec Bundle]
> Mixed results here:
> I set the project TM_RUBY variable to point to my ruby1.9 executable
> I wrote a spec to see if the RSpec bundle runner is executing  1.9  
> which it is.
> I can't run features with the Cucumber bundle under textmate  I get  
> this:
> [...]
> But that's probably a separate issue, since I get the same results if
> I unset the project specific variable.

Yeah, no idea what that is about — none of the bundles are bundles I  
am familiar with. Btw: be sure to grab the RSpec directly from GitHub,  
the one we mirrored in svn is very outdated, but also has seen some  
commits not in the official, which is why we have hesitated with  
deleting it.

> Of a bit more concern, with the project variable set to use 1.9,
> ctrl-shift-v's pop-up says that it is using 1.8.7 to do the syntax
> check, and 1.9 and 1.8 syntax is different.

This is the actual command: http://pastie.textmate.org/private/crnusmhkavi0auvspuu0ua

As you can see, it uses the value of TM_RUBY (with ruby as fallback)  
to get version and validate your code. So my best guess: TM_RUBY is  
not set for the project :) Try use Bundles → Bundle Development →  
Show TM_* Variables.

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