[TxMt] LaTeX bundle and the exam package

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Wed May 2 12:49:41 UTC 2007

On May 1, 2007, at 3:22 AM, David F. Snyder wrote:

> Hi
> I am hoping someone has solved this problem.
> I use latekmk.pl script as $TM_TEX_COMPILER to compile my LaTeX  
> documents
> from within Textmate and it works wonderfully on every document  
> I've made,
> except for any document that uses the exam package.
> The problem is small: I must execute cmd-R twice to get it to  
> compile the
> number of points correctly. This is only a problem within Textmate;  
> if I run
> the script from the command line it works perfectly. And while it  
> is a small
> problem it is vexing, since latexmk.pl was made specifically to  
> deal with
> the need to run LaTeX etc. multiple times.
I wonder, whether the latexmk.pl script that runs from the command  
line is the same as the one that runs from within TM. I think TM will  
run its own version of latexmk.pl, which I updated recently. But  
perhaps you have another latexmk.pl? When you use latexmk.pl from the  
command line, how do you invoke it, and what is the value, if any,  
returned by "which latexmk.pl"?

> My guess is that there is a bug in either cmd-R  (though I can't  
> find one)
> or somewhere in the bowels of Textmate.
> Seeing as how I used this package frequently, almost daily, I'm  
> guessing
> that this need to cmd-R twice will cost me about an hour and a half  
> of my
> life in the coming year.
> Best wishes
> ----
> David

Haris Skiadas
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hanover College

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