[TxMt] LaTeX PDF Preview

Nicolas Schmidt nicovogel at gmx.de
Fri Jun 23 19:04:16 UTC 2006

When I write LaTeX files I run "Typeset & Preview" quite alot, and  
therefore was annoyed by the fact that I manually have to scroll the  
preview window to the current line in my TextMate.
Hence I customized the "Typeset & Preview" command using TeXniscope's  
quite useful AppleScript interface. I replaced the line

--- start ---
open -a "$V" "$PDF"
--- end ---


--- start ---
open -a "$V" "$PDF"
osascript << EOF
tell application "TeXniscope"
	refresh the front document
	the front document goto line $TM_LINE_NUMBER of source "$TM_FILEPATH"
end tell
---- end -----

Perhaps you find that useful.

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