[TxMt] 1001 suggestions in shining armour

Luc Heinrich luc at honk-honk.com
Thu Jun 8 15:38:24 UTC 2006

On 8 juin 06, at 13:35, thomas Aylott wrote:

> I'm with you on the drawer. It's SO two years ago.

(sorry about the double reply, I didn't mean to press the send  
button, I swear ;))

Until last week, all I had against the drawer was that I really found  
it ugly. Now I *also* find it inconvenient :)

I was working on my Powerbook and had a fully expanded TextMate  
project window with its drawer opened (i.e. covering the whole  
screen, minus the menu bar, you get the idea). And then I had to  
resize the drawer. In this configuration, you first have to shrink  
the window size, then resize the drawer and then grow the window size  

Devil. Is. In. The. Details. :)

Luc Heinrich - luc at honk-honk.com - http://www.honk-honk.com

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