[TextMate] Treat files with... where is info stored?

José Campos jose.campos+tm at galacsys.com
Sun Oct 24 04:05:35 UTC 2004

Allan Odgaard <allan at macromates.com> wrote:

> Would it be possible for you to add an extra .txt to the file names?

    Of course, it's possible, that's what I do currently, but as I'm a
bit lazy, I was wondering if....
> I _could_ make the file extensions regular expressions, but I would 
> prefer a user workaround, since the rest of OS X does use fixed text 
> extensions more or less exclusively (if we ignore the legacy stuff with
> four characters creator/type codes).

    OK that good reasons. I could perhaps dowload these files (which are
log files that come from my website hoster) in a folder associated with
"Folder Actions Setup".

    Thanks. Have a nice day,

  Jo                                         <W:00°04'37" ; N:47°15'36">


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