[SVN] Discoverability. Single global shortcut?

thomas Aylott oblivious at subtlegradient.com
Wed Apr 5 06:05:13 UTC 2006

>> I want almost all of the items in each bundle to be linked to a  
>> single shortcut (as in the Subversion bundle). I think it is also  
>> an excellent idea for each item to have a good tab trigger.
> I disagree on the single global shortcut per bundle. That's no  
> different than pressing ctrl-esc followed by right-arrow

The gear menu isn't context sensitive.
It's also only a single bundle at a time.

A global shortcut would respect scope and only show you the things  
that apply to what you're doing.
The only context anything that the gear menu does is pre-select the  
closest bundle to your scope.

  — tAy,. …

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