[SVN] Discoverability. Single global shortcut?

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Wed Apr 5 05:28:07 UTC 2006

I assume by "shortcut" you mean "key equivalent".
On Apr 4, 2006, at 11:51 PM, thomas Aylott wrote:

> Bundles like Subversion work wonderfully because all of the  
> commands share a single shortcut. It's easy to find out what the  
> Subversion bundle is capable of because it's all right there in  
> that list.

No, it works wonderfully because it has very few commands in it, and  
all the commands are performing similar functions. The equivalent in  
the Rails bundle is for instance all the GoTo commands, which are  
indeed grouped together.
> I want almost all of the items in each bundle to be linked to a  
> single shortcut (as in the Subversion bundle). I think it is also  
> an excellent idea for each item to have a good tab trigger.

I disagree on the single global shortcut per bundle. That's no  
different than pressing ctrl-esc followed by right-arrow, and I don't  
need to remember a different shortcut for each bundle. But I agree with:
> * Share tab trigger with extremely similar items only

For instance, all the "validate" snippets should have the same tab  
trigger, as should all "redirect_to" snippets and so on. The snippets  
the way they are now are very chaotic, and for me completely useless.
> * Make sure the tab trigger text is in the name of each item (in  
> parens)
Goes without saying.

What the Rails bundle needs IMHO is a nice Help file like the one the  
LaTeX bundle has.
And also some control over all those snippets. I've said it in the  
past, one could create a single command to replace all those snippets  
at once, like the "Insert Environment..." command in the latex  
bundle. I find having 50 snippets not actually helpful personally.


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