[SVN] Bundle commit 467

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Mon Mar 14 21:26:34 UTC 2005

On Mar 14, 2005, at 22:06, Kumar McMillan wrote:

> Hey that's pretty cool Eric.  I'm not all that familiar with TextMate
> HTML output -- is there a way to get HTML output that doesn't require
> any mouse input (i.e. so as not to click the dropdown open) ?

Currently not, but it's something I'd like to add, exactly because it 
would allow 100% keyboard control even for HTML output (as mentioned 
before, I rarely use my mouse, so this one is high priority with me). 
Though I don't know how easy it actually is, since currently everything 
is taken care of by the WebKit.

I'll also add that each command can have its own frame for the output 
window, so that things like e.g. Eric's popup can appear in a more 
appropriate size. Another thing is having to re-use the same window for 
re-execution of the same command, and then there's of course the things 
about history in the window etc. -- but it'll be a while before I'll 
actually look into all this stuff.

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