[SVN] Bundle commit 467

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Mon Mar 14 21:38:20 UTC 2005

At 10:26 PM +0100 3/14/05, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>On Mar 14, 2005, at 22:06, Kumar McMillan wrote:
>>Hey that's pretty cool Eric.  I'm not all that familiar with TextMate
>>HTML output -- is there a way to get HTML output that doesn't require
>>any mouse input (i.e. so as not to click the dropdown open) ?
>Currently not, but it's something I'd like to add, exactly because 
>it would allow 100% keyboard control even for HTML output (as 
>mentioned before, I rarely use my mouse, so this one is high 
>priority with me). Though I don't know how easy it actually is, 
>since currently everything is taken care of by the WebKit.

Oh, is _that_ all you want?   :)

On my setup I can hit 'tab' once to put focus on the menu and then 
use arrow keys. You can even jump to the correct item by typing the 
first few letters.  I think that all comes for free with Webkit and 
(maybe required) turning on "Enable access for assistive devices" 
in'Universal Access'.

The whole multicolor menu is another ball of wax...

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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