[SVN] Bundle commit 467
Eric Hsu
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Mon Mar 14 21:17:12 UTC 2005
At 3:06 PM -0600 3/14/05, Kumar McMillan wrote:
>Hey that's pretty cool Eric. I'm not all that familiar with TextMate
>HTML output -- is there a way to get HTML output that doesn't require
>any mouse input (i.e. so as not to click the dropdown open) ? What I
>like about the command output is you can arrow up/down. But, with
>HTML it would also be nice to set some colors for different entity
I am positive one can make an outstanding javascript pop-up window
with formatted and color coded menu items. I assume one could take
keyboard input too. However, I am also sure someone more familiar
with JS can do better than me (Torsten?). I just wanted to prove it
could be done...
- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
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