[SVN] Revision 1584 (SQL)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Fri Aug 19 17:20:52 UTC 2005

On 19/08/2005, at 18.11, Kumar McMillan wrote:

> A   trunk/Bundles/SQL.tmbundle/Commands/Copy condensed SQL to  
> clipboard.plist
> A   trunk/Support/bin/onelinecopy.py

You should not put language specific stuff in the general support  

Preferably just put the script inline using she-bang, i.e. a command  
can start with #!/usr/bin/python to use that as an interpreter (or  
you can use a here-doc), alternatively put the script in the actual  
bundle and refer to it using $TM_BUNDLE_PATH.

Btw: the “echo $TM_SELECTED_TEXT” seems to be redundant, seeing how  
stdin is set to selection.

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