[SVN] branching/tagging suggestion for beta releases

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Fri Apr 22 17:49:45 UTC 2005

On 22 Apr 2005, at 18:03, Kumar McMillan wrote:
> I noticed that there were some surprises on the TM Users list (those 
> who had not upgraded to beta6 but who were syncing with subversion 
> Bundles).

We partly addressed this point in a chat with Allan yesterday (?) on 
the IRC I think.

I would suggest a SVN repos structures along these lines:

/svn/UserDefaults/   which would install the latest defaults bundles, 
settings, tools etc  This would be the common User download svn stuff 
for non Bundle devs.

and then we should have a Developer section like this


where developers store their work. As and when a bundle/tool/item is 
ready for public release it's checked into the /svn/UserDefaults/ 
section by the dev or Allan or some other quality control system.

Anyone updating to the latest PHP bundle right now will have problems 
as well, so we need to sort out this for future releases me thinks.

Kind regards,


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