[TxMt] Re: Cmd+T Enter is slow since RC1

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Mon Nov 21 16:16:21 UTC 2016

On 19 Nov 2016, at 22:48, Greg wrote:

> I haven’t been using this command. But tried it with RC3 and I 
> stopped looking at 30k files. Is it looking at my entire drive. The 
> files are beyond scope that I have open, they might be in scope of 
> folders I’ve opened. Ah, I now guess I see what’s going on. I 
> Cmd-T on an untitled, unsaved file. Guess this is an unintended 
> consequence.

It shows all files from the “project folder” which defaults to your 
home folder (for untitled standalone documents). You can however change 
the default in Preferences → Projects.

I wouldn’t really call it unintended, but the feature may seem 
somewhat useless for untitled standalone documents.

> OT: I’m surprised to see in this modern era, question marks in place 
> of apostrophes, and things like "seeing the ?T + ? issue with.” In 
> case this gets munged on the way, in Mail on my up to date Mac this 
> has a question mark in front of the T and another question mark 
> following the plus sign.

I am not sure where you see this, it does not appear broken in any of 
the mails that made it to the mailing list.

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