[TxMt] Re: watch command for LaTeX bundle

René Schwaiger sanssecours at f-m.fm
Wed Mar 9 06:28:01 UTC 2016

Hi Kyle,

> On 08 Mar 2016, at 14:41 , Kyle Johnson <kbj at linguist.umass.edu> wrote:
> Thanks René,
> As always, you are very helpful (and fast).
> Watch Document, when using the latex engine, cannot use Skim as previewer, if I’m understanding you correctly. Is that right?

yes, that is right. 

As far as I can tell Skim always converts `.ps` files into PDF before it displays them. `gv` handles `.ps` files natively.

“Typeset & View (PDF)” does not use `gv`, but converts the `.ps` file into PDF. That is, why it is able to use Skim or any of the other PDF previewers. We could use this approach in “Watch Document” too. 

Do you think that would be a good idea? Can anybody think of a drawback of the additional conversion (except for the higher CPU usage)? 

> I’ve installed XQuartz and homebrew, and with homebrew, I’ve installed gv. Those installations went smoothly, so far as I can see. When I run Watch Document on your test file, it loads up XQuartz and gv, and then fails with this error:
> Unknown device: x11
> sfopen: gs_parse_file_name failed.
> sfopen: gs_parse_file_name failed.
>  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1084: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_gray.icc 
> | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1690: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
> Unrecoverable error: unknownerror in .special_op
> Operand stack:
>    defaultdevice
> Unrecoverable error: undefined in .uninstallpagedevice
> Operand stack:
>    defaultdevice

Interestingly, I had the same error before I wrote my reply. I solved it by reinstalling `gv`:

    brew reinstall gv

Maybe that helps in your situation too.

> I rebooted after installing XQuartz (and gv, just to be safe). 
> This isn’t a pressing need for me, so don’t let me take from your time. You can just regard this as an fyi.
> Kyle

Kind regards,

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