[TxMt] Re: Cancelling a multiple selection?

Tom Smyth tom at sassafras.coop
Wed May 13 15:34:00 UTC 2015

I agree with Ken on all points.

In Sublime, Esc cancels the multiple selection. Probably not a good idea
for TM. But what about ⌘+Esc?

On 13 May 2015 at 11:24, Kai Wood <lists at kwood.eu> wrote:

> On 13.05.2015, at 17:05, Igor <me at igorkozlov.me> wrote:
> >
> > I wonder though what’s so wrong with pressing ↑↓ or ↓↑ to disable
> multiple carets. This way it’s easy to predict what’ll happen.
> It’s inconsistent and depends on your position in the document. If you are
> on line 1, you hit the top of the document and your cursors lands on line
> 2. If you start on line 2, your final position is on line 2.
> Additionally, with this technique the cursor stops *behind* the current
> word, not at the position where you started.
> That’s the cognitive overhead Tom was taking about, you have to actually
> think about it / watch where your cursor is.
> > But what should happen when you have multiple carets and press your
> magic “cancel all carets” key? Which is that one caret that should stay?
> The first cursor in the document has to stay. ^w selects downwards in the
> document, so the first one is the the place where you start and end.
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Tom Smyth

Worker-Owner, Sassafras Tech Collective
Specializing in innovative, usable tech for social change
sassafras.coop *·* @sassafrastech

Resident, Touchstone Cohousing
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