[TxMt] Markdown Here for current Markdown bundle

Angelo Varlotta angelovarlotta at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 08:21:18 UTC 2015

What I have noticed is that the default Markdown bundle doesn't 
support some syntax features of Markdown Herein the Markdown 
Preview,such as tables and strikethrough for example. Is there a 
way of adding these extra Markdown Here features in the current 
TextMate bundle so that they are properly viewed in the Preview? 
I've tried to use the redcarpet Markdown bundle and the 
Github-flavored Markdown bundle versions, which present some 
highlighting within TextMate itself but fail to make the preview 
work as well. I've noticed that one can add MathJax support with 
the preference option TM_MARKDOWN_MATHJAX set to 1. Is there 
something like that for extra Markdown Here syntax support?


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