[TxMt] Re: zombie tabs

Allan Odgaard mailinglist at textmate.org
Sun May 11 15:26:40 UTC 2014

On 10 May 2014, at 23:09, Matt Neuburg wrote:

> […] When I open my project, the same two tabs are always open. Why?

 From release notes:

   * TextMate will now remember open tabs for “project folders”. 
This means that if you run `mate «folder»`, open a few tabs and close 
the window, then if you later open the same folder, TextMate will 
restore the open tabs (and file browser state).

     You can see which folders TextMate has stored state for via _File 
→ Open Favorites…_ (⇧⌘O) — probably soon to be renamed “Open 

     The feature can be disabled using:

         defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview 
disableFolderStateRestore -bool YES

The state is stored in `~/Library/Application 
Support/TextMate/RecentProjects.db` so you can delete this file to clear 
all state. You can also bring up the _File → Open Favorites…_ dialog 
and press ⌘⌫ for each entry where you wish to clear the saved state 
(and remove that folder from the history).
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