[TxMt] Re: Indention in Perl POD

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Fri Jan 3 08:55:39 UTC 2014

On Jan 2, 2014, at 7:30 AM, Ingo Lantschner <lists14 at lantschner.name> wrote:

> Just removed TM2 from my system and reverted anything as described in the link. After installing a fresh new TM2 I still have this behavior in Perl POD text. So I am quite sure this is missing in the original Perl Bundle. Fortunately it can be fixed as described in this thread.

Can you confirm that you have the Source bundle active? It should appear under the Bundles menu. The settings item "Comments: Disable Indent” should be disabling indention in any block comments.

If the Source bundle is enabled can you provide a step-by-step guide of how to reproduce so I can make sure we are referring to the same issue?

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