[TxMt] Re: defining scope for spelling

David Howden dhowden at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 00:31:01 UTC 2012


I do remember saying something like that, and then hoping that someone
else would experiment with it!  Unfortunately I'm rather too busy with
other problems at the moment, but I can quickly give a more detailed
explanation of how I think this could work, or at least where I got
the idea from!

In .tm_properties files you can set things like:

[ scope.name ]
spellChecking = true
spellingLanguage = 'en_GB'

So I was thinking that you could inject a grammar (or just modify the
grammar that you are interested in, i.e. LaTeX), with a definition for
a new scope, say


and then in .tm_properties you could put

[ meta.lang.fr ]
spellChecking = true
spellingLanguage = 'fr'

I think the hardest part would be actually writing the grammar stuff.
A quick google springs up a semi-useful link that would get you


And there's the TM book (Pragmatic Textmate Power Editing) which has a
whole chapter on creating grammars.

For information about the new grammar injection stuff, again give it a
google - there is some chatter here somewhere (I remember it going
on!), and there is definitely a whitespace bundle which uses it to
show bad whitespace

EDIT: Decided to just try it myself. The grammar injection works fine,
though it can mess up the highlighting. Sadly the spelling checker
doesn't seem to work on a per-scope basis (maybe this is something on
Allan's todo list?).  As I wrote the instructions as I was doing it,
I've included them here just incase this gets fixed in the future (or
someone can spot the silly thing I've done which makes this not work

In Bundle Editor, open the Latex Bundle and press Cmd+N to get the
"Create new Item" sheet.
Choose "Grammar"

Set an approprate name (mine is "Language Block").  Remove all other
settings (for the moment!), and set Injection Selector to "*".  Set
the grammar to be:

{	patterns = (
		{	begin = '\blang\=fr\b';
			end = '\bendlang\=fr\b';
			name = 'meta.lang.fr';

(check that above links for how to write grammars).

Then restart TM2 (from a few tests just now, this was necessary for it
to appear!).

Now, in a latex document:


(we need to change the lang, endlang syntax to be ignored by latex,
but that is a job for later).

Place your cursor before the letter B and hit Ctrl+Shift+P (to show
you the scope).  It will show meta.lang.fr in the list that appears.
The language injection works!

Now put the properties into a relevant .tm_properties file (as above),
and it should work fine (though not at the moment :-/).

Hope this is helpful! At least you don't have to bother until this works :-).


On 3 August 2012 14:06, Gildas Hamel <gweltaz at ucsc.edu> wrote:
> How and where do I define multi-language spelling? I use the LaTeX bundle and type different languages in my documents. I would like to define a scope for French, for instance, using \begin{french} and \end{french} as markers.
> David Howden suggested a while back “to add to the grammar (creating scopes for different languages) and then set the languages for those scopes in the tm_properties file.” I would like to learn how to do that. I don't know regex (only very minimally) and where to define such scope. Thanks for pointers.
> --Gildas
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