[TxMt] excluding binary files in search/replace

Leo Brewin Leo.Brewin at monash.edu
Sat Apr 21 04:05:50 UTC 2012


I'm not sure if I am missing something about the new ways to include/exclude files via entries in the .tm_properties file. I would like a subset of all my files to appear in the file browser. I first exclude all files then selectively include just those files I want. My problem is that when I do a search/replace in project the search returns matches in pure binary files (i.e. executables) that are *not* listed in my set of selected files. I never want to search/replace in any binary file. Can anyone suggest a fix? 

Many thanks, 

Here is the section of my .tm_properties file 

# exclude all files 
exclude = "*" 
excludeFiles = "*" 
excludeFilesInBrowser = "*" 
excludeDirectoriesInBrowser = ".*" 
excludeInFolderSearch = ".*" 

# select some files 
mySourceCode  = "*.adb,*.ads,*.adc,*.sh,*.tex,*.sty" 
myTextFiles   = "*.txt,*.tex,*.sty,*.bib,*.inp" 
myBinaryFiles = "*.{jpg,jpeg,pdf,png}" 
myOtherFiles  = "Makefile,README*,TO-DO*" 

# make the selected files visible 
includeFilesInBrowser = "{.tm_properties,$mySourceCode,$myTextFiles,$myBinaryFiles,$myOtherFiles}" 

[ $myBinaryFiles ] 
binary           = true 

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