[TxMt] Re: Python Bundles

Watts Martin layotl at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 17:21:02 UTC 2011

Phil wrote:

> Using the official Python bundle I seem to only get completion on
> commands, not lookup of methods on the object at the cursor.

You'll need to install both ropy at a system-wide level and the 
textmate-ropy bundle to get this, but it worked for me. To install ropy, 
just go to a terminal prompt and type

sudo easy_install ropy

Then to install the textmate-ropy bundle, you'll need to check it out of 
Subversion, apparently. Again at the shell prompt:

svn co http://textmate-ropy.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ textmate-ropy

(I presume you know Subversion, but if you don't, that creates a 
"textmate-ropy" directory.) Then just double-click on the Ropy.tmbundle 
file that will be in the textmate-rope directory you've created.

The autocompletion command for TM-Ropy appears to be ^P; ^] will take 
you to the definition of a method.

Having said all this, this is actually the first time I've used Ropy! I 
tend to keep a Ctags file up to date for my projects using the "TM 
Ctags" bundle, which gives me the ^] equivalent for nearly all 
languages. (There are two Ctags bundles, but in my experience the other 
one doesn't work.) The autocompletion that this bundle provides looks a 
little barebones to me but I guess it could be cool.

I will say that if you get used to Emacs -- I never quite have -- it 
does do really well with dynamic languages like Python and Ruby. I've 
tried to switch away from TextMate to several other coding environments 
but keep ending up back here, though; despite my frustration with a few 
misfeatures and concerns about the program's future development status, 
once you really start taking advantage of its power it's awfully hard to 

Watts Martin <layotl at gmail.com>

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