[TxMt] How to execute a shell script within TextMate?

Marius Hofert m_hofert at web.de
Wed May 5 11:27:20 UTC 2010

Dear TextMate experts,

I would like to execute the shell script myscript.sh from within TextMate. The script myscript.sh takes a file name as argument and does something with the file (it indents the file correctly; for this, it calls emacs in batch mode). So if I use 
sh myscript.sh myfile.R
the script works perfectly fine, i.e., it indents the source code contained in myfile.R. I would like to have textmate do this for me on the file I am working on when I use a certain key combination. 

Using the Bundle Editor, I created a new command "tidy" with key equivalent "shift+command+T". As the actual command, I put in:
sh /path_to_my_script/myscript.sh "$TM_FILENAME"

Unfortunately, this does not work. I set "Input" to "Entire Document" and "Output" to "Replace Document" (currently I obtain an empty document after "shift+command+T"). 

How can I trigger the shell script, such that the current content of myfile.R is replaced by the (quietly generated) output of myscript.sh?

Below is the script

Many thanks in advance,


function usage () {
printf "Indent R file with Emacs ESS package.\n"
printf "Usage: $0 FILE\n"
exit 1
if test "x$f" = x -o "x$f" = "x-h"; then
emacs -batch \
-eval '(load "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/ess-5.8/lisp/ess-site")' \
-f R-mode \
-eval '(untabify (point-min) (point-max))' \
-eval '(insert-file "'${f}'")' \
-eval '(set-visited-file-name "'"${f}"'")' \
-eval '(indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)' \
-f save-buffer \

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