[TxMt] Xcode 3.2 : Xcode bundle > Build : failed

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Tue Sep 22 12:09:03 UTC 2009


I've just installed Snow Leopard 10.6.1 + XCode 3.2. Due to a change  
of "xcodebuild -project ..."'s output behaviour from Xcode 3.1 to  
Xcode 3.2 the Xcode bundle's commands "Build" and "Build & Run" always  
terminate with "Build Failed".

The reason for that is a single '\n' after "** BUILD SUCCEEDED **" in  
Xcode 3.2.

To fix that and to be compatible with Xcode 3.1 I suggest to change  
line 122 in parse_build.rb (Xcode.tmbundle/Support/bin):

last_line = line

last_line = line if line.chomp.length > 0

In other words remember the last_line only if it is not an empty line.

In the hope this fixes the issue,


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