[TxMt] Re: A way to change "Esc" to something else in ViMate

Paul McCann pmccann at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 23:21:16 UTC 2009

Hi Takaaki,

> Does anybody know a way to keep the vi functionality and TextMate's
> "Esc" functionality? No offense to TextMate itself, but I just want to
> have a way to change the copy/cut selection range without using arrow
> keys.

How about just changing the keyboard shortcut in System Preferences?
More specifically, go to

System Preferences => Keyboard => Keyboard Shortcuts

Add a new "Application Shortcut" for Textmate: the menu is called
"Next Completion", so just throw that in as menu title, and add
whatever keyboard shortcut you're seeking. Only problem is finding an
accessible shortcut that isn't already taken.

Good luck,

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