[TxMt] Project+ bug: first launching fails; only after opening from terminal it does ok

Juan Falgueras juanfc at uma.es
Wed Mar 18 12:49:30 UTC 2009


first of all, congratulations for this fantastic enrichment of the  
already genial project drawer.  I did instaled Project+ and it worked  
well (and I got really impressed) the first time.  But after  
installing and restarting and running it again it failed, TM shows the  
classic project drawer, not the new enhanced one.  You can touch round  
the preferences of Project+ but it ignores them.  But vuala!  I opened  
with mate several files from the terminal:  "m *.json" and Project+  
appeared, funnily both modes were present at the same time, the  
classic one an the new one.  Then I close and reopen my project and it  
worked well.

The conclusion:  you need to reopen a project to make Project+ to  
became live.

- juan falgueras

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