[TxMt] Re: New behavior: moving cursor pass end of line?

Edoardo Galvagno edo at edog.it
Mon Aug 24 09:36:07 UTC 2009

> The latest minor update seems to have introduced a strange behavior.
> When moving the cursor pass the end of a line, TextMate now pretends
> that the line is full of an infinite number of spaces, instead of
> [..]
> Could anybody confirm that this is an intended feature of TextMate and
> that there's no way to disable it?
> Jasmin

Hi Jasmin,
   maybe you've accidentally activated "Freehanded Editing" (shortcut  
alt+apple+E) mode that you can find under the menu Edit > Mode > …

While it may seem silly it happened to me a couple of times and, as I  
usually don't use that feature, I was always baffled.

Hope that helps.


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