[TxMt] Re : How to set up TextMate for MATLAB?

Pierre Morel pier.morel at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 08:08:37 UTC 2009

I think I got misunderstood by JiHo : I want to avoid the matlab GUI  
as much as possible. The matlab-console I developed is an  
implementation of the matlab console IN textmate.

For what I described I use a very similar command as JiHo, except that  
I tend to use the cell mode (which Thomas added in the last version of  
the bundle). And in this cases because the commands that are sent to  
the terminal can be long, I use an temporary m-file (called cellrunner  
in the following code).
I've came up with a better applescript thought, which is more robust  
when you have several terminal windows or tabs running :

tell application "Terminal"
	set termwin to id of windows
	set nwin to count of termwin
	repeat with i from 1 to nwin
		set ntab to number of tab of window i
		repeat with j from 1 to ntab
			set pr to processes of tab j of window i
			set npr to count of pr
			set runsmatlab to false
			repeat with k from 1 to npr
				set runsmatlab to "MATLAB" = item k of pr
			end repeat
			if runsmatlab then
				set selected of tab j of window i to true
				do script with command "cellrunner" in tab j of window i
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell
tell application "MATLAB" to activate


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