[TxMt] Question on the new DIALOG2 approach

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Tue Sep 30 08:48:24 UTC 2008


I'm just rewriting the GetBundles bundle to support the new syntax of  
DIALOG2. In principal it works fine if I take the eventInfo Dict. But  
I came up with a "problem".

I have a NIB containing a NSSegmentedControl for filtering the repos  
Bundles, Review, GitHub, All.
I bound it via Segment Selection > Selected Label to  
Paramters.selcetion.bundleSelection and connected the entire  
NSSegmentedControl to File's Owner 'performButtonClick'. Each Segment  
has its own tag number.

With DIALOG1 I get e.g.:


then I can check whether there's a returnArgument, if not is there a  
key 'bundleSelection'...

BUT with DIALOG2 the eventInfo Dict gives me:

This would me that I have to deal with both the eventInfo Dict AND the  
model Dict in order to find which button was pressed.

If I have a 'normal' button bound to performButtonClick DIALOG2  
response is:
		<string>Rescan Bundle List</string>

Is there a way to put into the eventInfo Dict the title of the chosen  
Segment of a Segment Control à la the 'normal' button event?

My very first idea was to include into TMDNibController.mm
- (IBAction)performButtonClick:(id)sender
	if([sender respondsToSelector:@selector(selectedSegment)] & [sender  
		[res setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[sender cell] tagForSegment: 
[sender selectedSegment]]] forKey:@"selected_tag"];

Then you can deal with unique tag numbers and you only need the  
eventInfo Dict.

Many thanks in advance


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