[TxMt] Re: [FeatReq] Scratchpad

Alex Ross tm-alex at rosiba.com
Fri Sep 19 22:45:18 UTC 2008

On Sep 19, 2008, at 9:07 PM, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:

>> The mentioned file IS stored on my harddisk, and when I open up the
>> terminal and enter "mate
>> /tmp/textmate_scratch_2008-09-" there, TextMate
>> opens the file without any problems at all...
>> It is not that bad because, as I said, everything works nonetheless.
>> But of course I'd still like to get rid of that error message.
>> So, what's going wrong?
> I guess Ruby cannot find the command 'mate' in $PATH.

Another possibility is that you do not have `mate' installed.  If  
`which mate' comes up empty, then you can install it by going to Help  
→ Terminal Usage….


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