[TxMt] Re: Latex-Bundle: Error by using "Insert label/citation based on current word"

Jan Michael jan.michael at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 21:41:13 UTC 2008


On 11.09.2008, at 23:08, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> Not sure what I can suggest, but to begin with does this problem
> persist after reboot? And what exactly has changed between your
> system before the crash and your system after? I.e. what exactly do
> you mean by "resurrection of the system"?

In steps:

(1) Clean and fresh install of Leopard 10.5.0
(2) Migration of old profile including apps and library folder
(3) Upgrade to 10.5.4
(4) Manual copy of /usr/local from Backup to new system disk

I had MacTeX 2007 installed on the old system. But since than a lot of  
modification where made by me to the tex tree in /usr/local, so that  
just copied the tree and didn't do a complete reinstallation.

And yes. The problem persists after reboot.

> And yeah, let's start with the output to "echo $PATH". Do you have /
> usr/texbin? If not, does the problem get solved if you create a
> symbolic link from /usr/texbin to the path /usr/local/texlive/2007/
> bin/i386-darwin  ?

This is the requested output from echo $PATH:

 > [Jan at iah-2] ~ > echo $PATH
 > /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-darwin:/opt/subversion/bin:/opt/ 

And yes the symbolic link solved the problem!

I already tracked down the method "find_file" in "/Applications/ 
TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb" which  
produces the error.
But even adding /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-darwin/ to locs in  
"tex_path" method didn't helped.

Many Thanks! But shouldn't this have worked without the symbolic link?



> On Sep 11, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Jan Michael wrote:
>> After a crash of my system disk yesterday and the ressurection of the
>> system today I'm getting the following error while trying to insert a
>> citation or label based on the current word:
>> \autoref{/tmp/temp_textmate.haeIjJ:4: command not found: kpsewhich -
>> show-path=tex
>> cha:auswahl_eines_loesungskonzeptes}
>> The thing is. It tells me about kpsewhich is not found but it was  
>> able
>> to insert the correct label.
>> When I fire up "which kpsewhich" in Terminal, I get the following
>> output:
>>> [Jan at iah] ~ > which kpsewhich
>>> /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-darwin/kpsewhich
>> Also I have no problem to compile my document.
>> Maybe it has something to do with PATH, but I'm not sure. Can anyone
>> give me a hint on this?
>> Thanks,
>> 	Jan

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