[TxMt] Re: [FeatReq] Scratchpad

Hans-Jörg Bibiko bibiko at eva.mpg.de
Mon Sep 8 11:58:54 UTC 2008

On 08.09.2008, at 12:23, guerom00 wrote:
> Jacob Rus-4 wrote:
>> Why can't you make a bundle that does something like this?
>> Because I don't know how.
I've already mentioned it within this thread that it's not so  
difficult to do this.
Maybe write down some keynotes what'is desired. Maybe I find some time  
next week to start with such a bundle.

My approach would gather all pasties in one file marked with a time  
stamp, file name, and language grammar. Then one could write a 'look  
for pasties' function which shows up all pasties filtered by the  
current doc/language grammar. Etc.

To applay a key combo/tab to a frequently used scratch I would suggest  
to use TM's snippet system.


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