[TxMt] Adding Latex Word count and paths with spaces - a little off topic

Graham Smith myotisone at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 08:00:19 UTC 2008

This is a bit off topic, but I have added  a word count command  to TextMate
for Latex using  texWordCount.pl as described here


This raised two questions.

1. Is there a "good practice" place to put such snippets of code, and

2. I put it in ~Library/Application Support/Textmate/Code

Adding the "Code" folder to the existing directory tree.

But this led me to a new problem in that I couldn't work out how to get that
directory tree  found when trying to run the code. In Windows, because of
the space in "Application Support"  I would gve the full and wrap it in
quotes, but the cmbinations I tried failed to work.

At the moment, I have created a new folder ~Library/TextMate for the script
and the word count seem to work well, it also picks up possible errors in
your latex code, but I haven't investigated that yet. A google search
confirms the need to use quotes, but I can't find an illustration of exactly
where these quotes go.

Some help would be gratefully received.


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