[TxMt] Re: Is it possible to have more than one tab visible at once?

Hamster hexserve at databeestjes.net
Sat Jul 26 09:36:48 UTC 2008

On 26 Jul 2008, at 11:27, Michael Larkin wrote:

> Thanks Hamster!
> Yeah, I thought about running the same project in 2 instances of
> Textmate, but I was hoping it'd be swanky enough to allow me to just
> drag a tab to open it up side-by-side.  One more reason I miss Visual
> Studio.... :)

I guess one option is to submit a feature request for some extra  
swankiness to be included in an upcoming version :-)

I sometimes wish you could do split pane editing, but on the rare  
occasions I really need to do that, I use an editor called "Kate"  
which is part of linux's KDE suite. I installed it via fink (cause the  
fink version is newer than the macports one) and can happily edit away  
in split pane, side by side etc when I need to.


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