[TxMt] Re: Problems with Rails Bundle and RakeMate

Sebastian Friedrich shfriedrich at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 05:05:30 UTC 2008

On 2008-01-26 14:27:39 -0600, Sebastian said:

> Lately, i've been experiencing various issues with the Rails Bundle:
> - none of the generator tasks (controllers, models, migrations etc.) 
> work anymore. I just get an empty confirmation window and the tasks are 
> not run.
> - when running any rake tasks, i get "stack level too deep" errors:. 
> For insatnce, here's the output from "Migrate to current" command:
> RakeMate r6193
> rake aborted! stack level too deep (See full trace by running task with 
> --trace) (in /Library/WebServer/railsapps/sparkle)
> Done
> Rake tasks and generator tasks work perfectly fine from the command line.
> I'm using current Rails Bundle from trunk, but also tried the one that 
> came with the lastest TM release. I'm running on Leopard, Ruby 1.8.6; 
> projects are Rails 2.0.2, but it also seems to happen with Rails 1.2 
> projects.
> Any ideas? Thanks.
> Sebastian

UPDATE: It is still not working, but it actually seems to only affect 
Rails 2.0 projects. Has nobody else experienced any problems with 
generator and rake tasks under Rails 2.0.2 projects? And just to 
confirrm that the reverse is actually true, could somebody confirm if 
you are running RakeMate tasks in the Rails bundle with 2.0 projects 
without any trouble? Thanks.

BTW, i also now switched to the new git branch[1] that Dr. Nic is 
maintaining, and same issues there.



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