[TxMt] Re: Objective-C Macro to Run

Alex Ross tm-alex at rosiba.com
Sat Dec 6 00:19:35 UTC 2008

On Dec 5, 2008, at 10:13 AM, Armon Dadgar wrote:

> As of now the C bundle can only recognize C/C++,
> would it be possible to add detection of the ".m" suffix,
> and allow it to include the appropriate flags for GCC to compile
> Objective-C correctly?

If you have the latest C and Objective-C bundles, you just need to set  
the current language to “Objective-C” and press ⌘R.  The command  
is in the C bundle, but it also targets the Objective-C scope.  It  
will add the appropriate flags.  The default flags are: “-Wall - 
include stdio.h -framework Cocoa”.  If you want to specify your own  
flags, you can set TM_OBJC_FLACS in the Shell Variables preferences  
(this *replaces* the default flags, so be careful).


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